Page 30 of Spindle of Sin
When she remained silent for a few moments, Rush released her hair and leaned back in his throne. “Good girl.”
She let out a breath and murmured, “What am I doing down here?” The last word came out shaky, nervous, and for a moment, a brief one, Rush’s heart pounded too fast. But he had to remember he wasn’t the person he used to be. He wasn’tkind. Wasn’tsoft.Those things were too dangerous for him.
“Unfortunately, not sucking my cock.” He gave a throaty chuckle as crimson seeped into her cheeks. “So scandalous, I know.” She opened her mouth to speak and he placed a finger over her shapely lips. “Hush now.”
She slowly blinked but remained quiet. Rush removed his finger and leaned to the side to open the chest. A collection of silver glass scales shone inside, sparkling like jewels. They were spelled to adhere to skin for half a day—a simple, well-known trick that young sorcerers used to practice their skills and earn coin. Rush lifted the thin metal tool and selected one of the larger scales.
“What are you doing now?” Aura sighed.
“Do you know why everyone is wearing these?” Rush held the glass in front of her, tilting the scale so it caught the firelight.
“Is that a glassscale?”
“It is.” He met her eyes and felt a pang in his chest, an eagerness to see her wear them. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Aura pursed her lips. “Because you’re a narcissist?”
“Because I’m theirkingand they choose to honor me.” He brought the scale to the space between her brows and pressed it in place. His dragon sat up with a purr that vibrated through him. The sight of silver gleaming back at him, the exact shade as his beast’s eyes, made him want more. More of her, more ofhimon her. Staking his claim. He hid a wince at the idea of it, and covered it with a grin. “I missed the portion of the party where the guests applied theirs because you took longer than expected.”
“Beauty can’t be rushed,” she told him with the arch of a brow.
“Mmm,” he agreed. His dragon gave a small trill of excitement as Rush added a second scale to the outer edge of her eye. The primal urge to cover her in glimmering scales tore through him, to take her to his hoard and keep her there. But she wasn’t a possession—she was a means to an end. “When you allow someone to apply your scales, it’s a sign that you’re interested in ending the evening with them.”
“By escorting them home?”
“Perhaps.” Rush grinned as he gently pressed two more to her warm flesh. “And then tucking them into bed.” He swept a lock of hair from Aura’s forehead and created an upward swirl with the scales. “Right after they fuck themselves into exhaustion.”
Aura’s mouth parted, her red lips begging to be kissed, licked, nipped, but she didn’t use that alluring tongue of hers to speak. She only simply drew in shuddering breaths.
Rush’s hands brushed across the soft skin of her face as he finished one side. The scales followed her brow line, then splintered at her temple. One rising toward her hair, the other snaking down the edge of her face and onto her neck. The sensation of her gentle exhales against his fingers as he worked sent hot blood into his cock. What would it feel like if her breath skated over that part of him as he sat in his throne? As everyone watched her lick his shaft? Simply having her watch as he stroked himself was enough to make him come when she barged into his room.
Rush’s dragon unfurled at the thought, but Rush tamped it away. If she didn’t fall into a permanent sleep soon, hewouldfuck her as part of his revenge on Pax, but she wouldwanthim to. He completed the second half of Aura’s face and placed the tweezers onto the tray.
Aura ran her delicate digits across the line of glass decorating her brow. “Does the King of Sin not wear scales to his own party? Wouldn’t his dragon want him to?”
One side of his lips curled. “Do you miss him, kitten? Do youlikemy dragon?”
She rolled her eyes and moved to stand, but Rush was faster. He gripped her throat gently, running his thumb up and down the curve of her neck. Drawing a deep breath, he called upon thesmallestbit of his dragon. Just enough that the beast wouldn’t take over. Scales pressed through the skin of his face, and what he knew to be a spattering of glossy black along his cheekbones. A tease of a shift that took immense concentration to accomplish.
“Is this better, kitten?” he asked, his voice sharp as his dragon prowled inside him, asking to be set free. Later, he would make amends by going for a flight.
Aura bit her lip, lifting her fingers and skimming over them. “They’re warm.”
The gentle touch ignited his blood, his groin straining harder against his trousers, and he jolted back. “Go dance.”
She blinked. “What?”
“Dance.” He drew in a ragged breath. “Go. And don’t mention your name to anyone.” What was hedoing? He needed to hold onto the past, to loathe Aura and get his revenge. Unfortunately, the damn sorceress was still evading him.
Aura climbed carefully to her feet and turned. She paused for a moment before stepping off the dais and into the crowd. Guests didn’t hesitate to allow her into their midst. Dancing. Swaying. Touching her appropriately with the unspoken knowledge that she belonged tohim.He leaned back in his throne and watched her through slitted eyes.
“Your Majesty?” a soft feminine voice asked.
He snapped his gaze to a raven-haired woman with black scales trailing up the bridge of her nose. A golden dress barely contained her large breasts. “Do I know you?” he asked, his eyes seeking out Aura again.
“Not intimately,” she said coyly. “Notyetanyway. I’m Emilia.”
Rush shifted, his cock painfully hard as he watched Aura smile.A true smile.Her body moved side-to-side, swaying slowly, arm movements expressive. Her rhythm was different, captivating, and he just knew she would be glorious while riding him. He imagined her head thrown back, squeezing her own breasts as he rubbed her clit, moaning his name.