Page 34 of Spindle of Sin
“I’ll kill any man I wish, but the guards heard you wanted to be left alone. He should have respected your wishes.”
She scoffed. “As if you’ve respected all my wishes. But what if I’dwantedto fuck him? Then what? Would you have threatened to cut off his hands or kill him?”
He narrowed his eyes, his lips pinched into a tight line. “While you’re here, there will be no more parties.”
Aura sucked in a sharp breath. While she was here? Would he decide that she could go home soon if shebehaved? “And how long is that precisely?”
“Forever.” He shrugged.
The blood inside her veins ignited with fury. She shoved up from the floor and poked him against his hard chest. “I’m getting so sick of these antics. Are you going to be vagueforever? Are you not going to tell me what this spell you cast on me isforever? Am I going to have to watch you pleasure othersforever?
Rush’s lips curled up at the edges, his eyes becoming hooded as he studied her. “Did it bother you watching me bring another to bliss on my throne?”
Her nostrils flared.
He lifted a lock of her hair and twirled it around his finger. “It must have if you mentioned it.” His smoky scent enveloped her as he drew closer, and she swore she could taste his flavor on her tongue. “You want to know what I was thinking as I stroked her clit, while I pressed my fingers into her soaked cunt? I was thinking ofyou. Wondering how wet you would feel. What kind of sounds you would make if you were the one I was pleasuring.” He backed her into the bars of the window, and unlike when Dzmitry had been near, she didn’t feel nervous. She might be the King of Sin’s prisoner, but she knew he wouldn’t force himself on her.
Aura’s gaze fastened to his, her chest heaving while his words played like a repetitious melody inside her mind. Another question nagged at her, “Why do you hate me so much?”
His lips parted a fraction, seeming surprised by her question before his smirk returned. “I don’t hate you, kitten. I simply enjoy taunting you.”
“But why?” she murmured.
Rush’s gaze stayed pinned to hers, and she wasn’t certain if he would answer her when he finally did. “For one, you were going to marry Pax. Through you, a once-rightful heir to Moonstone, he could have had access to my throne.”
“I wouldn’t have wanted your throne.” Aura furrowed her brow, not understanding. “Why do you loathe him though? What did he do to make you feel this way?”
“He takes things that aren’t his,” Rush growled.
“But isn’t that what you’re doing to me?” Her pulse sped as she awaited his response.
“Pax doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself.”
“And you do?” She arched a brow. “If you think you’re a better man than Pax, you’ll break the spell, let me go free.”
“It’s too late for that.”
“Nothing’s ever too late.” It was something she always believed, what her mother had instilled in her ever since she’d been a child.
“I’m mending what was broken in my past, so you’re right, kitten.” He lifted from the wall, stepping away from her. “Meet me in the gardens in three days.”
She wrinkled her nose. “You never have me meet you anywhere.” Besides the party, there hadn’t been one other instance.
He cocked his head. “I do now.”
As Rush opened the door to leave, she called, “You forget that Pax took everything from me too.”
He slowly turned around, and an emotion she couldn’t name brewed in the depths of his eyes. “Not everything, Aura. Your heart still beats, no matter how shattered you may believe it to be.”
Chapter Twelve
“Your Majesty,” Joff said, approaching the massive ornate desk in the royal study.
Rush dipped his phoenix quill in the inkwell without looking up at his valet. There were only a handful of decrees left that needed his attention before he met Aura in the garden as planned. His dragon demanded he seek Aura out, protect her, touch her, but that was impossible. Rush needed Aura for his revenge, no matter how attractive the dragon found her, and the beast would just have to come to terms with that.
So why had he asked her to meet him? Ever since he murdered for her during the party three days ago, the beast had become unbearable. Snarling and pacing. Unable to sleep. And when his dragon did manage to settle into a slumber, her starlight scent was enough to wake him with a list of vicious demands.