Page 36 of Spindle of Sin
The color drained from Sauli’s face as he unbuckled his belt and let the tan trousers fall to his ankles. Kicking off his shoes, he stepped from the fabric.
“Good boy, Sauli.” Rush lifted a brow. “Hand them to me.”
Sauli ground his teeth together in defiance, leaving the woman to scoop up the trousers and hold them out. “Here,” she muttered.
“Thank you, madam.” Rush grinned as he stepped into the scratchy fabric and caught her glancing at his length. “Where might I find your prince?”
“We haven’t seen him today,” Sauli spat. “The king is holding court, so perhaps he’s in the throne room.”
If the king was holding court, Pax wouldn’t be in the room. Not when his father would be the center of attention among the lords and ladies. Rush chuckled at the idea of Pax joining and walked through the glitzy palace halls for the first time in two years. There was so much of the shining metal that he wondered whether the royal family had any left in their coffers or if they’d emptied their mines for the aesthetics. When he and Pax were children, the ornate palace had filled him with awe, but now it only made nausea churn in his stomach.
Guards eyed Rush as he passed, but none dared to interfere, only whispered to one another in recognition of him. All the more reason to stop him before he reached the bastard prince’s bedchamber. However, they remained mum, too afraid to intervene.
Rush paused just outside the white door, embossed with gold filigree. Soft moans drifted from the other side. The fresh-faced guard standing on the right side of the doorframe shifted nervously, his hand going to the sword at his hip.
“Aren’t you going to stop me?” Rush raised a brow. “That’s your duty, isn’t it?”
The young guard swallowed hard, his throat bobbing. “Are you going to hurt him?”
Rush paused at the pitiful guard’s asinine question. “Only his pride.”
The guard looked from him to the door and back again. Rush snorted at the pathetic excuse for a sentinel and threw a punch into the man’s stomach. When he doubled over with a pained grunt, Rush slammed his knee up into his face.
“If anyone asks, you tried,” he mocked as the guard crumpled to the floor.
Inside, Pax lay on the middle of his canopied bed while a blonde woman bounced on his cock. She flung herself off him with a screech as the prince jolted upward. “What the fuck?” Pax bellowed.
The woman gathered her clothing—a maid’s outfit judging by the neutral-colored linen—and fled the room. Rush watched her race down the hallway, bare-assed.
“You can’t just walk in here,” Pax snapped. His eyes narrowed in anger, but surprise shimmered there. “Rush…”
“Obviously, Ican.” The last time he’d been here, there was a different girl in Pax’s bed. There wasalwaysa different girl. Not that Rush lacked partners, but they knew what they were getting into. Pax, on the other hand, made the women he fucked think they were somehow special. Rush had always wondered about the girl Pax was betrothed to, had even thought once to warn her of the prince’s activities. But Rush hadn’t known her, and even then Pax had yet to meet her.
The prince swept his brown locks back from his face and glared. “Just like you can steal my bride?”
Rush stalked around the room, holding back the urge to unleash his dragon to sink his teeth into the prince’s throat. “You clearly miss her terribly.”
Pax snatched up the sheet and wrapped it around his waist. “Of course I miss her. This is just how I’m coping since it can’t be Aura in my bed.”
Yes, by having another blonde to easily replace her. Rush released a harsh laugh. “Butwouldit be?”
If Pax hadn’t been fucking someone against the stable, the wedding wouldn’t have been delayed and Rush might not have had time to take Aura. He couldn’t say that though—not without admitting the accusation was true.
“Let’s not pretend you’re capable of being faithful,” Rush added.
Pax narrowed his eyes. “Says the King ofSin. I’ve heard about the parties you’ve been hosting the last few years.”
“Then you’ve also noticed my lack of a wife orbetrothed.” He shrugged. “But I didn’t fly all the way here and steal someone’s trousers just to discuss your …sorrows.”
“I know you took her, you fool!” Pax growled.
“What an assumption. That I would care enough to steal your bride away. I wonder what motive you think I have?” Rushdaredhim to say it. To say exactly what tore their long friendship apart. Brought together as children, pulled apart by the prince’s heinous actions. “And if you truly believe I have her, then why haven’t you come for her?”
Pax merely sauntered over to where his rumpled clothing lay in a heap and pulled them on with a tight expression.
“Well, now that you’re decent, the court is safe from being scandalized further today.”
“Fuck you, Rush. Give Aura back to me.”