Page 102 of Cruel Betrayal
“Sometimes,” Finn says, “but . . . fuck. Two hours? And you haven’t heard from them at all?”
“No. I texted Rhett an hour ago, but I still haven’t heard back.” I chew on my bottom lip while I wait for Finn to say something. When he doesn’t, I ask, “Do you think they’re in trouble?”
“They would’ve contacted you if they weren’t.”
My blood runs cold.
“I’m coming over,” Finn says. “Stay put, and don’t let anyone in the house except me.”
For the next twenty minutes, I do nothing but stand in the middle of the living room and stare at my phone. The air feels thinner, like someone sucked all the oxygen out of the atmosphere. I can’t catch my breath no matter how hard I try to.
The guys have always been open with me about the fact that they make mistakes. They may be excellent at their jobs, but that doesn’t mean they’re not human. The idea thatthisis the one that goes wrong, though . . . it can’t be. It justcan’t.
My screen lights up with a notification that someone is coming up the driveway. Hope floods my veins, but it dissipates as quickly as it came. If it was one of the guys, the notification would say so, but it doesn’t.
With a sigh, I move to the front of the house and peer out the window. Finn’s vehicle comes into view just as I receive an incoming call from him.
“Can you open the garage door?”
“Um. Sure.” I end the call and pull up the security app that Elliot downloaded the other day. It’s a little weird, being able to open the garage door with a tap of my finger, but maybe I’ll get used to it eventually.
By the time Finn has pulled in, I’ve made my way across the mansion and into the kitchen. The rumble of the garage door closing fills the empty house as Finn passes through the mudroom and into the kitchen.
His dark hair is disheveled, and his lips are pressed into a thin, straight line. Something glimmers in his eyes—concern, maybe?—but he squashes it quickly.
“Where’s the hard drive?” he asks.
“In the safe in Ell’s office, I think.”
Without another word, Finn spins on his heel and heads in that direction. I scurry to keep up, waiting for him to give me an explanation, but he doesn’t speak.
I frown as he punches in the code to open Elliot’s safe.
“What are you doing?”
“Making a backup.” He grabs the drive, slides into Elliot’s chair, and logs onto his computer with a few strokes on the keyboard.
“And how do you know how to get into Elliot’s stuff?”
“I know how to get into all their stuff.” Finally, he glances up. “You don’t?”
In the back of my mind, a memory plays. Something about Oliver suggesting stuff like this. Updating emergency contacts, adding me to accounts, and making sure I could access everything in case something like this happened. Last I knew, the guys had started the process, but other things took priority.
“We were . . . working on it.”
“I’ll write everything down for you to memorize,” Finn says absentmindedly. He’s already back to work, pulling a spare hard drive out of his jacket pocket before plugging both drives into the computer. “Right now, we need to make sure this information stays safe.”
“Shouldn’t we try to find the guys? What if they need help?”
Finn’s expression is grim as he looks up from the monitor. “It’s already too late.”
No.How could he know that? He can’t, right? Not for sure, at least.
But Finn nods toward Elliot’s second monitor, and hesitantly, I make my way around the desk.
He has a map pulled up, and there are three blue dots blinking on the screen. If I hadn’t spent so much time studying the blueprints, I probably wouldn’t recognize the building from a bird’s-eye view.