Page 104 of Cruel Betrayal
“That,” Finn says.
When I look up from my screen, he’s already out of the chair. He places the original hard drive back in the safe and slips the other into the inside pocket of his jacket.
“You know who it is?” I ask.
“We’ve already been over this,” he says impatiently. “Hurting you hurts the guys. You’re a sitting duck—or, you would be if I wasn’t here.”
My eyes widen as I glance out the window. It doesn’t face the front of the house, so it doesn’t do any good. “He’s coming for me.”
“I’m going to need you to stay calm,” Finn says as he drags me through the house. “We’ll see how large the team is that he sent and come up with a plan from there. Most likely, it’s small. No one’s expecting you to put up much of a fight.”
The house is mostly dark, but the nightlights the guys bought illuminate our path well enough. Once we’re near the front door, Finn peeks out the window. He swears under his breath.
“There are three men.” He pulls a knife from his pocket and presses it onto my palm. “You’ll need this.”
“W-what?” I can’t help the way my voice is laced with panic as Finn stoops down and pulls a second knife from his boot.
“Just listen. We don’t have a lot of time.” He pushes me so I’ll be behind the door when it opens. “Wait until all three of them are inside. It’s dark enough that they won’t see us. I’ll take the guy in the back, and you take the middle one. You’ll have to—”
“What about the guy in the front?”
“Shutup,Wren,” he hisses. “I’ll handle him once I’ve taken out the first guy. But I won’t be able to help you, okay? We need to keep one of them alive to try to get any information we can. I can kill the first guy quickly, but subduing the third and keeping him conscious will take me extra time. You have to act fast, and you absolutelycannothesitate.”
Heavy footsteps sound on the sidewalk that leads to the front door. Oh my god.Oh my god.
“Stay low,” Finn tells me quietly. “You’re going to use the knife to cut as hard and deep as you can at the back of his leg. Get the back of his knee or his Achilles tendon, okay?”
“Okay,” I whisper.
“He’ll fall, and then you need to slit his throat. Hard and deep, okay? Don’t leave any chance of survival.”
Can I do that? Can I kill someone?
Fuck, it’s self-defense, Wren. You have to. This is what you prepared yourself for.
“Wren,” Finn whisper-shouts.
“I’ve got it.” I step back and lower myself into a crouching position.
As we listen to them pick the lock, I carefully open the knife. My heart has never beat this fast before.
“You’ve got this,” Finn whispers to me. “Just don’t think too hard about it.”
Lucky for me, I don’t havetimeto think too hard. The door flies open, and three men run into the dark room. Finn grabs the last guy just as I slash the back of the second one’s leg. He cries out before falling to his knees.
My hands are shaking, but I don’t stop. I scramble to my feet, grab his hair from behind, and yank him backward. The knife slides across his throat much easier than it did his leg, and I shudder as blood spurts onto my hand.
“Motherfucker,” Finn grunts. “Wren, get the lights.”
I do so as quickly as I can. The lights illuminate a chilling scene—two dead men, blood everywhere, and Finn wrestling with the third guy, who’s on top of him.
Shit.He’s fighting for the upper hand, but he’s struggling.
I don’t even think. I just grab a vase from a small shelf by the door, dump out the water and flowers, and smash it over the guy’s head. The porcelain shatters as he cries out. The impact isn’t enough to knock him out, but it still disorients him.
Finn dismounts him, rolls to his feet, and pulls out his gun in a matter of seconds. “Stay down,” he grunts. “Wren, get something to tie him up with.”
“Got it.” I pick my way across the room, careful not to step on any of the shards littering the floor.