Page 27 of Cruel Betrayal
“And again, if Wren gets caught, there’s no reason for things to turn violent,” I say. “She can just say she was grabbing something for Aubrey.”
“And if she’s caught holding the safe cracker?”
“Could it fit in a makeup bag?” Aubrey asks. “If so, problem solved.”
Rubbing his chin, Rhett says, “Depends on the safe. Did you get a look at it?”
“Um. Sort of? I know the brand name and that it wasn’t digital.”
“Perfect.” Rhett grabs his laptop and pulls up all the different models available from the brand Aubrey gives him. He’s able to narrow it down to ones with a dial instead of a keypad, so she identifies the one Ludo has quickly.
The more we explore the idea of Wren retrieving the hard drive, the more distressed Elliot gets. He’s just sitting there, his expression growing more and more grim. Odds are, he’s trying to do exactly what he promised and find another way to get to the safe. But the more we develop our plan for Wren to do it, the more sense it makes.
I’m nervous about it, too, but I don’t know how much longer we can stay in our current state. We’re all so exhausted and stressed, and I know I’m not the only one wishing this was already over. Something has to give.
“Once you’re in the billiard room,” Aubrey says to Wren, “you’ll be perfectly safe. Ludo will be too occupied during the reception to get away, and his men know not to go in there without permission. The door is usually locked, but I stole a key once and made a copy.”
“You did?” Wren asks with surprise. “That sounds risky.”
Aubrey shrugs. “I was feeling quite spiteful when I first had to move in. Now, back to the point. As long as we time you entering and leaving the billiard room correctly, it doesn’t matter if you get caught in a hallway. Not since the safe cracker can fit in a makeup bag.”
“And if she gets caught leaving the room?” Elliot asks.
“Then she pretends she’s lost?” Aubrey suggests. “It’s a large mansion.”
“I don’t like it,” Elliot mutters.
“We knew we’d have to take extra risks when we got to this point,” I remind him gently.
“I know. But those risks weren’t supposed to . . .” As he trails off, he glances at Wren.
They weren’t supposed to involve her.
After a moment of silence, Wren clears her throat. “Let’s say I get caught and can’t pull off a reasonable excuse. What’s the worst-case scenario? Ludo loses his trust in you guys? Kills all of us?”
“Most likely,” I reply, not wanting to add on that he wouldn’tjustkill us.
“And what’s the worst-case scenario if one of you three does it?” Aubrey asks, catching on to what Wren is getting at.
“The same thing,” Rhett says.
Elliot shakes his head miserably. “You’re missing the fact that if it’s one of us, we can probably convince Ludo that Wren wasn’t involved at all. We could keep her safe, even if he turns against us.”
“And you’re missing the fact that Ludo is a cruel bastard,” Rhett replies. “It doesn’t matter if he thinks Wren isn’t in on us taking him down. He’ll use her to hurt us anyway.”
Of course it’d be Rhett who makes sure to not leave anything unsaid.
“So there’s no room for mistakes. Just like normal,” I say. “We can handle this, Elliot.”
He looks like he wants to protest, but he must be too exhausted to try. Raising his hands in surrender, he slouches into the chair. “Fine.”
“So Wren will get the hard drive, and then what?” Aubrey asks. “Are you guys keeping it and hoping Ludo will be distracted enough with searching for me that he doesn’t realize it’s missing? Or are you getting everything off it and then putting it back?”
“No,” Elliot groans. “We’re not doubling our chances of everything falling apart. Ludo doesn’t have cameras, so as long as no one sees Wren, he’ll have no clue we took it. Most likely, he’ll pin it on his rat, as long as Ludo hasn’t found them by then. Or he’ll pin it on you, Aubrey, since you’ll disappear at the same time the drive does.”
“And I’ll be perfectly safe from his wrath, so that’s fine,” she says.
“Okay. So we keep the hard drive.” Rhett turns to Aubrey. “Then we continue on with the reception like nothing happened, and once everyone is gone, we get you out?”