Page 53 of Cruel Betrayal
All three of the guys hug me at once, and I relax into their hold. Eventually, I manage to whisper, “Thank you.”
A single tear makes its way down my cheek before dripping onto Elliot’s shirt. I blink the rest away before resting my head on Oliver’s shoulder.
I love you all so much.
I don’t say the words out loud. Rhett isn’t ready, and I can wait a little longer. What matters is that I know how I feel. Two months ago, I never would’ve predicted falling for the three regulars from work. But now? I’m deeply and irrevocably in love with each of these three men.
I’m not sure if I believe in soul mates or fate, but I do know that I believe in us. And as I feel Rhett press a kiss to my hair, a soft smile touches my lips, because I think that’s probably the only thing that truly matters.
Chapter eleven
IfIhadmyway, I’d never step into the Garden Grille again. Places that I associate with past jobs are ones I tend to avoid, but I couldn’t find it in my heart to say no. When my mom wants something, there isn’t a single thing I wouldn’t do to make sure she gets it. So if she wants to try out a new restaurant with me and Maria, then that’s exactly what’s gonna happen.
“Reservation for Meredith Moore?” I tell the woman waiting behind the hostess stand.
With a smile, she says, “Right this way.”
As I follow her through the tables, I keep my unease tucked away. The last time I was here, it set off a chain of events that almost got Wren killed. Not to mention, the last timeshewas here, Adam followed her into that alley to do god knows what to her.
Out of all the restaurants in Philadelphia, why did Mom have to choose this one?
My mom and Maria are seated at a table with a view of what I’m sure is a gorgeous garden in the spring and summer months. Maria waves when she spots me, and I thank the hostess before she walks off.
“No Wren?” my mom asks. To her credit, she tries to hide her disappointment, but I know her well enough to see through it. “I thought she was coming today.”
“I said shemightcome today.” I kiss her on the cheek and give Maria a hug before sitting down across from them. “We’ve got a lot going on, and her coming today just didn’t work. I’m sorry—I shouldn’t’ve gotten your hopes up.”
“It’s all right,” she says, but her expression is filled with concern. “What’s going on that’s keeping you four so busy? This is the third time we’ve had to schedule a makeup lunch.”
“Work stuff. It’s all pretty boring, honestly. Puts me to sleep when it’s not stressing me out. I’d rather not talk about it.”
At that, Maria jumps in. “Okay, but what about Wren? Why couldn’t she come today?”
“She just . . .”
Dammit. Why do little sisters have to be so annoying?
“I’m beginning to think this woman is a ghost,” Mom says with a teasing sparkle in her eyes.
“Oh, she’s real,” Maria says. “And she’s super pretty, too.”
“So you’ve said.” Mom reaches across the table and rests her hand over mine. “Is something wrong? If you aren’t ready for us to meet her, you can just tell us. You know we’ll understand, right?”
“Speak for yourself,” Maria grumbles.
“No, I want you to. And she wants to meet you guys, too. It’s just . . .”
“It’s justwhat?”Maria asks with exasperation. “I’m tired of waiting!”
“Elliot’s parents dropped by the other day,” I say tiredly, watching as realization blooms on my mom’s face. “At best, it went poorly. At worst, it was a disaster. We all assured Wren that you guys are nothing like Kathleen and Joe, but she needs more time to recover.”
My mom narrows her eyes, and a protectiveness that’s usually reserved for me and Maria flashes in them. “What did they say to her?”
Grabbing the water in front of me, I gulp down half the glass before continuing. “Kathleen basically implied it wouldn’t last. Said it was telling that Ell hadn’t told his mom about Wren, and that it’s too early to be committed to her, et cetera. You know how she is. She got jealous, so she tried to make Wren feel insecure about her standing with Elliot. Didn’t work, thank fuck.”
My mom is silent, and she’s looking at me like she’s waiting for more. When I don’t say anything else, she sighs. “And?”