Page 69 of Cruel Betrayal
Our plan is to stay in plain sight all evening. If Axel is suspicious of us, then he’ll be watching us extra closely. And if he’s watching us, then his eyes will be off our girl.
Wren.For a brief moment, my fist clenches, but Rhett squeezes my shoulder, and I force myself to relax. Since my panic attack a couple weeks ago, I’ve managed to get my anxiety under control. Mostly, anyway. Watching Wren dedicate herself to her training has soothed it some. She’s come a long way in the past few weeks, and she’s much more ready now.
The conversation between Ludo and Axel that Oliver overheard has helped, too. It’s currently what I’m clinging to. Even if she’s caught in the wrong hallway, she can feign confusion. It’s a large enough mansion that I’m sure Ludo and his men are used to their guests getting turned around. And since they don’t see Wren as a threat, everything will be fine.
She’s safe. She’s safe. She’s safe.
I repeat those two words in my head until the ceremony starts. All the bridesmaids look nice, but once Wren walks down the aisle, I can’t take my eyes off her. Neither can Rhett or Oliver.
“It’s not fair,” Oliver whispers, “that she looks so pretty but she’s all the way over there.”
I smile. I wish Wren was with us too, but I’m glad she got to spend today with Aubrey. Fake wedding or not, this is still an important day.
Wren must feel our gazes on her because she looks our way. She doesn’t even seem surprised by the fact that all three of us are staring at her. Oliver blows her a kiss, and her smile widens just as the music changes.
Everyone stands, and we all turn to face the back of the room. Aubrey steps through the doors with her arm looped through her father’s. She looks beautiful with her hair up, except for a few curls to frame her face. The tiara sitting on top of her head sparkles in the sunlight.
“What a gorgeous dress,” someone murmurs.
I’m almost inclined to disagree.Gorgeousdoesn’t fully encompass just how beautiful it is or how well it suits Aubrey. The bodice is covered in delicate lace that turns into sleeves that extend all the way to her wrists. As for her skirt, it’s layer upon layer of white tulle and more lace, all positioned to look like a cascade of graceful fabric.
The moment Aubrey’s eyes land on Ludo, her expression goes from happy to ecstatic. It’d be touching if I didn’t know it was all an act.
Once Aubrey is in front of Ludo, she hands her bouquet to one of her bridesmaids and immediately grabs both of Ludo’s hands. His smile is genuine—or at least it looks that way—as he mouthsI love youto her.
It makes my stomach churn.
Thankfully, the ceremony doesn’t last for more than twenty minutes. I spend most of it watching Wren. She’s doing an excellent part of playing the enthusiastic bridesmaid, and I’m proud of her. The guys and I may have more pent-up hate toward Ludo than Wren does, but she’s still disgusted by him.
Once the bridal party has exited, we follow the crowd to the ballroom. I catch Axel watching us from the corner of my eye.Good.We have nothing to hide tonight. It’s all on Wren.
There doesn’t seem to be assigned seating, which is a relief. Between the large amount of people here and the fact that we’re in Ludo’s home, I’m sure Rhett’s about to burst. He’s doing an excellent job hiding it, but I know him well enough to not fall for his perfectly crafted mask of composure.
We find an empty table and claim some seats. Hopefully no one else will join us. Almost the second we’re seated, the DJ starts announcing the bridal party and groomsmen. It’s faster-paced than other receptions I’ve been to, but I’m not complaining. I forgot to grab a snack before leaving home, so the sooner we get to eat, the happier I’ll be.
Wren walks in with the same man she walked down the aisle with, followed by other members of the bridal party, and then finally Aubrey and Ludo. They still appear to be as happy as ever, and the look of adoration on Aubrey’s face has me frowning into my glass of water.
This is the only way Aubrey could secure her parents’ safety, but she shouldn’t’ve had to do this. It’s not fair. At least she doesn’t have to endure being Ludo’s wife for much longer.
When our meal is served, Rhett barely touches his plate, while Oliver finishes his food in record time. It’s a perfect picture of their differences—Rhett tends to lose his appetite when he’s upset, and Oliver has always been a little bit of a stress eater.
“You guys okay?” I ask before popping another bite of food into my mouth.
“Perfect,” Rhett replies lowly.
“I’m still hungry,” Oliver says, eyeing Rhett’s plate. “You gonna eat?”
With a shake of his head, Rhett pushes his food in front of Oliver. “Have at it. But slow down. You’re going to give yourself a stomach ache.”
“Joke’s on you, I’ve had one for the past two hours,” Oliver quips. Neither of us laugh, so he sighs. “Axel is still watching us. We have to act happy, or he’ll suspect something.”
“Fair point.” I lean in, press my lips to his cheek for a moment, and then smile. “How’s that?”
“If I keep getting kisses out of this, then much better.”
Rhett rolls his eyes, but the tiniest smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “I sense an ulterior motive.”
“What?” Oliver paces a hand over his chest in mock shock. “Me? Trying to finagle affection from you? I’d never! How dare you accuse me like this.”