Page 83 of Cruel Betrayal
“C’mon.” I grab Aubrey’s hand and drag her to the car. She throws herself into the backseat before closing the door quietly. When I look back, Elliot has just made it over the wall. He runs to the car, and we both get in.
“Just got to the car,” I tell Rhett. “Heading back to the house now.”
“We’ll join you soon.”
Elliot starts the car and drives down the service road, heading away from Ludo’s mansion. We both keep checking behind us, but no one follows.
Aubrey laughs. “Oh my god. I can’t believe I did it. Thank you guys so much.”
“Thankyou,”Elliot says. “I barely had time to look through the hard drive, but it’s exactly what we need. Between the IRS and the FBI, Holloway’s businesses will be tied up for a long time.”
“I can’t wait to hear all about it,” Aubrey says. “Wren and I are going to keep up some form of contact with each other.”
My heart warms. I like how much Wren and Aubrey have taken to each other. They both need the friendship that the other provides.
As we pull up to the safe house, I spot a dark gray sedan parked on the road. The driver’s side door opens when we pull into the driveway, and a plus size woman with deep brown skin gets out. She pulls all her locs over one shoulder before giving us a quick wave.
Aubrey squeals with excitement. “That’s her!”
The moment we’re parked in the garage, Aubrey gets out of the car. I’m barely able to stop her from barreling down the driveway.
“You need to stay out of sight,” I tell her. “We all do.”
I usher her inside the house. After a minute, Elliot and Sparrow follow, shutting the door behind them.
“Where are the others?” Sparrow asks as she glances around the room.
“On their way,” Elliot says. “Should be here any minute.”
Aubrey can’t seem to hold herself back any longer. She throws her arms around Sparrow and squeezes. “I can’t believe I’m really doing this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“You’re the one who made it happen.” Sparrow’s brown eyes soften as she steps back and holds Aubrey at arm’s length. “Although I stick by my original statement that leaving that bastard at the altar would’ve been much funnier.”
Aubrey snorts. “I would’ve if I could’ve.”
The door opens, and a relieved “Oh, thank fuck,” leaves my mouth before I can stop it. Rhett and Wren step through, and Rhett hits the button to close the garage doors so no one can spot our cars.
I didn’t realize how anxious I was until Wren wraps me up in her arms. I’ve been so focused on making sure Elliot was okay that my own emotions took a backseat. Now that we’re all safe—even if it’s only until we enact the rest of our plan—it feels like a fifty-pound weight has been lifted from my chest.
Subconsciously, I’m aware that I’m squeezing Wren too tightly, but I can’t bring myself to stop. Tears spring into my eyes, and I bury my face in her neck.
“Oliver,” Wren chokes out. “Can’t—can’t breathe.”
Blinking rapidly, I loosen my hold on her. “I was worried about you.”
Sparrow glances at her phone. “I’m sorry to break up the reunion, but Aubrey, we’ve got a flight to catch.”
Aubrey’s face falls. “I guess this is it, huh?”
“Guess so,” Wren mutters.
Gently, Rhett pulls me away from Wren so she can hug Aubrey. I lean into him, and when my head hits his chest, that familiar scent of cedar and sage soothes my soul.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Wren says.
“Maybe we’ll be able to see each other someday,” Aubrey says with a hopeful glance at Sparrow.