Page 13 of Vicious Deception
Whoever he has you kill, you can handle it. You have to—for them.
Axel tosses me a jacket once I’ve straightened. “Let’s go.”
“Who’s my target?” I ask, mostly for Oliver’s sake. If he’s still awake, this way, he’ll know why I’m being taken away.
When Axel doesn’t respond, I sigh and follow him silently down the hallway. The men guarding mine and Oliver’s doors eye me cautiously as I pass.
So much for getting to see him tonight.
Axel leads me downstairs and into the front foyer. There, Holloway is waiting for us with a smug glint in his eye.
“It brings me much pleasure to see you reduced to this, Hayes,” he says as I step off the stairs.
I don’t respond, biting my tongue to keep my retorts at bay. Earlier today, I saw Rhett in the backyard with a young boy who I’m assuming is Benny. It was just the reminder I needed to keep me in my place.
Seeing Rhett with his younger brother also helped me to piece together some of Holloway’s thought process. It seems like I’m the only one doing any jobs for Ludo. He knows I’m the brains behind our operations, and he also knows that I’m the more stable one.
Giving Rhett any type of freedom could backfire if he can’t control his impulses to get us all out of here. Sometimes Oliver acts first and thinks later, too. And since he’s not on his meds, his anxiety could cause him to freeze up in the moment.
So this is Ludo’s plan—give us tiny glimpses of each other but keep us apart so we can’t work together. Have Rhett spend time with his brothers so Benny stays occupied and doesn’t cause problems. And force me to do whatever Holloway wants me to so nothing happens to the boysorOliver.
“Just the one job, Holden,” Ludo tells Axel. “Bring Elliot straight back, anddon’tlet him out of your sight.”
“You got it, boss.”
“And Elliot,” Ludo calls as we head out the front door. “Remember what happens if you try anything behind his back.”
My nails dig into my palms. “I won’t forget.”
A black SUV is parked out front. I climb into the passenger seat. Of course I won’t attempt to escapenow,but I’m sure to take in my surroundings. I only have a view of the backyard from my room, and seeing the front gives me a fuller picture of how many men Ludo has stationed outside now.
Too many.
“You know,” I say as Axel pulls out onto the street, “one of the reasons we excel at our job is because we’re given time to research and prep beforehand.”
“Folder is on the backseat,” is all he says.
Once I’ve grabbed it, I flip through the pages. There’s a photo of a middle-aged woman who looks vaguely familiar, along with her name, address, and other details.
“Why does Ludo want her dead?” I ask.
Of course, I don’t get an answer.
“Do I at least get a weapon?” I grouse.
“If the answer is yes, will you kill me?”
“If I could get away with it.” I shoot Axel a knowing glare. “But we both know if I return without you in perfect condition, an innocent twelve-year-old pays the consequences.”
A muscle in Axel’s jaw twitches, and his gaze hardens as he stares out the windshield.Odd.Does Axel not agree with Ludo’s plans?
“She’s staying at a motel about twenty minutes away,” Axel says, his voice icy.
“Sounds like an easy enough kill. Why does Ludo need me?”
“She’s not alone.”