Page 33 of Vicious Deception
After he waves bye to me, Benny sprints into the house. The men who always escort me back to my room once we’re done step forward, but Axel waves them off.
“I’ll take him up. I need you two on trash duty.”
One of them groans. “Come on, again? We just did it the other day.”
“Now,” Axel snaps. I’ve seen him get firm with some of the men under his command, but this is another level. Now that Benny is gone, his mask is slipping.
The two men jump into action, scurrying away quickly. It makes me wonder what Ludo and Axel have done to instill such a level of fear into their men.
Once we’re alone, Axel grabs my arms and pulls me into the house. I’ve been perfectly compliant, so it doesn’t make sense, but I’m not about to piss him off more.
“We need to talk,” he whispers when we’re in the empty hallway on the second floor.
“I already told you and Ludo, Aubrey sold the hard drive. We don’t know where it is.”
After shoving me into my room, Axel shuts the door behind us. “That’s not what I’m talking about. Last night, I spoke to Elliot.”
“Where is he?” I ask. “He and Oliver always watch me and Benny from their windows, but they weren’t there this morning.”
Axel’s face grows even paler than it already is, but he shakes his head. “I . . . I don’t know, nor is that the point of this conversation. I’m helping you three get out of here—as long as you helpme.”
I laugh. “Are you forgetting that mere weeks ago, you were trying to convince Ludo that we were the rat he was searching for?”
“Well, I didn’t know I could trust you back then,” Axel bites out.
That gets me to stop. “What?”
“I’mthe rat,” he hisses out quietly. “I need to get as far away from Ludo as possible. Elliot says you have a plan to take him down and kill him.”
My heart sinks. If Elliot told them that, then they must’ve hurt him badly—or done the same to Oliver. “Where is he?” I ask again. “What have you done to them?”
“Ihaven’t done anything,” Axel says. “But let’s just say that we’re running out of time. If we’re going to get you to safety, we have to act fast.”
“Why did he tell you that? What did you do to him to get him to talk?”
“Itoldyou,” Axel hisses. “I’mhelpingyou. Elliot and I are working to get you all out of here.”
There’s no fucking way.I stare at Axel, trying to figure him out. Ludo already has us right where he wants us, so what’s he trying to pull?”
“Do you want to end up dead?” Axel snaps impatiently.
“Then trust me. I’m your best option. Fuck, I’m youronlyoption.”
I swallow. That, unfortunately, is true. “The boys need to come with us, too. Andrew and Benny.”
“I know. Elliot and I already discussed it.”
“And what exactly do you want out of this?” I ask as I narrow my eyes.
“My freedom,” Axel replies, and desperation bleeds into his voice. “I need out. I need Ludo dead, and I need no one to come looking for me when I’m gone.”
I’m not sure if I should believe him, but I’m also not sure I have much of a choice. I can’t do anything but follow along with whatever I’m forced to do.
“What do you need from me?”
“Nothing yet,” Axel says. “We’re not sure how we’re getting you out of here, just that we’re making a plan. I just wanted you to be aware.”