Page 48 of Vicious Deception
“If she needs protection, I can provide that,” Meredith says. She’s standing taller now, her expression confident.
“You?”Finn spits out. “Haven’t you worked as a nurse for most of your life?”
“I had a second job in security when Oliver was in high school,” Meredith replies coolly. “I can guard Wren while she waits in the car.”
“That sounds like a good option to me,” I say. “It’ll be safeandefficient. You know we can’t stick around to get caught by the cops. Not with the amount of gunshots there’ll be.”
Gritting his teeth, Finn glances between the two of us. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting Meredith and I to team up like this, but for the moment, we have a common goal.
And hopefully it’ll make her like me.
Oh my god, Wren. Priorities!
“I’ll think on it,” he grits out.
“No,” I say. “You’re not the only one who gets to make decisions here. Justthink,Finn. Three of you are going to be in the unit, and two of you are going to be waiting on the roof of the next building. Once the shots are fired, you’re going to have to move fast. If we’re already in the vehicle, we can drive right up to the unit, you guys can pile in, and we can be out in no time.”
Finn just sighs.
“Based on my limited knowledge of your plan, Wren is right,” Meredith says. “My son has been through enough, and so have Elliot and Rhett. I don’t want the police anywhere near them. We need to be long gone by the time they show up.”
Finn is glowering, but it’s not like he can stop us. At least, I hope he doesn’t try to.
“Maybe you should stay with us,” I blurt, turning to Meredith. “Just in case Ludo’s men were watching the guys’ house. They tried to kidnap me, and they might do the same to you.”
“I can come pick you up later,” Finn says, “but we need to make sure no one’s been following you.”
Meredith rolls her eyes. “I know how to lose a tail. Just tell me what address to head to, and I can be there by tonight.”
“No,” Finn bites out. “I’ll come to you. I’m already compromising enough.”
“Fine. But give me an hour or so to pack.” Meredith turns to me, and my breath catches at the warmth in her eyes. “I’m sorry I was so short earlier. My children are my world and my first priority.”
“And that extends to you,” she continues, reaching out and taking my hand in hers. “I know you weren’t ready to meet yet, so I’m especially sorry it had to happen like this, but it’s good to finally put a face to your name.”
“You, too,” I say thickly. Some of the weight on my shoulders dissipates at her smile.
“I’ll see you both soon,” she says, turning to Finn. “I’m assuming I don’t need to tell you where I live?”
“I’ll be there in two hours,” Finn replies.
With a nod, Meredith turns and heads back the way she came.
I slump against the tree again and let out a long, relieved breath. That went better than I hoped it would.
“You could’ve told me you were planning on telling her the truth,” Finn grits out.
“Would you have tried to stop me?”
He huffs. “Whatever. Let’s go.”
After giving Meredith one last glance, I turn to follow Finn. My heart feels lighter on our walk back.
Two days. And then they’re home again.
Chapter fourteen