Page 56 of Vicious Deception
“Mr. Axel, why is my brother in handcuffs? And who are the other men?” Benny asks. He looks like he’s not sure whether he should be scared, angry, or both.
Axel tosses a key to Andrew. “Uncuff them.”
“What?” Andrew glances at us in disbelief. “Sir, they’ll—”
“Now,” Axel snaps, “and give me your phone.”
With a frown, Andrew reaches into his pocket and hands Axel his phone. Then he turns to us, key in hand.
I watch in silence as Andrew releases me, then Rhett, and then Elliot. Once he’s done, my hands itch to reach out to one of them, but I’m too scared to move.
“Oliver.” Elliot crawls toward me as the van jolts forward. He doesn’t even glance toward Axel or Andrew before pulling me into his arms.
“Ell, what—”
“It’s okay,” he tells me as he tightens his hold on me, squeezing me to an uncomfortable point. “We’re safe now.”
“What’s going on?” I grab onto his shirt, terrified he’ll move away. “I don’t—I don’t understand.”
Rhett is watching Elliot like he’s waiting for an answer, too. He’s placed himself in between everyone else and us, although Axel is driving, and Andrew looks more confused than anything else. I don’t think they’re about to do anything to us.
“Axel is helping us.” Elliot reaches for Rhett and grabs his hand, still not letting go of me. “We’re going home. We just have to do a couple things first.”
“Wait, is that true?” Andrew asks. He glances toward Axel. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t want to go home!” Benny says, his voice panicked. “Rhett, you told me I wouldn’t have to go back.”
“You won’t,” Rhett replies firmly. “You’re going to come live with me for a while. Remember when I told you about Elliot and Oliver?”
Benny nods, his gaze traveling over me and Ell. “That’s them?”
“It is,” Rhett says, “and I need to make sure they’re okay. I promise I’ll explain everything as soon as I can.”
Benny nods in understanding, still watching us.
“Are you both all right?” Rhett turns to us, ignoring the others for now. He still hasn’t let his guard down, but he gently lays his free hand on my shoulder. “There was one morning when you were both missing, and I . . .”
Elliot’s gaze flicks to Benny. “Later.”
My eyes slide closed as I lean into Elliot. It seems like he’s involved in whatever is happening, which eases my mind. I’ve always trusted his plans.
But I only get a short moment of peace before I’m wrenched from Elliot’s hold. For a split second, I panic, but then I realize the arms enveloping me in a vise grip are Rhett’s. He lets out a pained noise as he crushes me to his chest.
“Oliver,” he chokes out.
Burying my face in his neck, I throw my arms around him. Elliot’s arms slip around both of us, pressing us tightly together. Someone’s knee jabs into my thigh, right where I have a bruise from Ludo using the cattle prod on the same spot repeatedly. I hiss in pain, cringing away.
“Did I hurt you?” Rhett asks. He’s only let me pull back a few inches.
“It’s . . .” I readjust so my bruises are better protected, and then I brush my lips across his jawbone. “I’m okay.”
“I was so scared I lost you both,” Rhett whispers. He places a kiss to the top of my head. “Oliver. Ell. Oh my god.”
“We’re safe for now,” Elliot says. “But this is only half over. Sparrow is meeting us, and she’s taking Benny and Andrew to safety. Then we’re . . .” Elliot lowers his voice before continuing when he realizes that Benny is leaning closer to us and trying to listen in on our conversation. “Then we’re capturing Ludo.”
Dread fills me.I just want to go home.
“It’ll be quick and simple,” Elliot says. “I’ll explain in more detail soon.”