Page 61 of Vicious Deception
Leavingmybrothersbehindfeels wrong, but I know they’ll be safer with Sparrow. Axel drives us to the storage facility before parking the van out of sight. When Finn spots us, his body visibly relaxes. He’s already inside Ludo’s empty storage unit.
“You guys make it out without a hitch?” he asks.
“So far,” Elliot says, “but this is far from over.”
“Where’s Wren?” Oliver glances around, but she’s nowhere to be seen.
“Safe for the moment.” Finn nods in the direction I’m assuming she’s hiding. “She’s our getaway driver. As soon as she hears gunshots, she’ll be heading our way so we can get out of here as quickly as possible.”
I nod as Finn hands all of us guns. After we dropped off the boys, Elliot and Axel outlined our plan. Ludo will be here soon with two guys named King and Burbank along with at least two of their men.
Axel and Finn will be on the roof across from Holloway’s storage unit with sniper rifles, and they’ll take out the grunts. Me, Ell, and O will be in the storage unit, and we’ll take out King and Burbank right after. Holloway will be left on his own with nowhere to go.
From there, we all get the hell out of here and bring Ludo with us.
Should be simple, but that’s if we can trust Axel. I’m still waiting for him to turn on us.
“I don’t know how much time we have,” Axel says, “so we all need to get into position and stay out of sight.”
“I’ll lock you guys in.” Finn reaches for the overhead door once the three of us are inside. “Just stay ready and listen for footsteps.”
My heart is in my throat as he closes us in. Darkness envelops us, and I feel someone take my hand.
“I love you both,” Oliver whispers.
“We love you, too,” Elliot says quietly.
I squeeze Oliver’s hand. All I want to do is wrap him up in my arms and kiss him until he forgets to be anxious. We can’t let go yet, though. Not until we’re all safe.
Soon,I remind myself.Soon you can be with all of them without having to worry.
It’s not long before we hear voices outside. Metal clangs against metal—the padlock against the door, I assume.
“This one had better not be empty, too,” a deep voice grits out.
My grip on my gun tightens, my aim trained at the door. I can’t see Ell and Oliver, but I know they’re doing the same.
The door begins to open. Once it’s mostly up, two shots ring out, and two men fall to the ground. We waste no time taking out the other two men we don’t recognize.
“Don’t move,” Elliot shouts to Ludo, but he’s already bolting.
We all chase after him, but I pull ahead of Elliot and Oliver.
There’s no way I’m letting him get away.
Especiallysince he’s headed straight for Wren.
Chapter twenty
Thesecondweheargunshots, I throw the SUV into drive and hit the gas. Meredith and I were hiding around the next row of storage units, completely out of sight but not too far away.
Someone shouts—Elliot, I think. There’s more yelling as I round the building and slow to turn into the row where the guys are waiting. But a blur of red dashes out in front of me and heads down the main road.