Page 79 of Vicious Deception
“Pretty sure your son knows how to deal with a dead body,” Sparrow says, her brown eyes sparkling.
“I was gonna say dissolve it, but pigs could be fun.”
Finn opens the sliding door, dressed in his usual black pants and T-shirt. “Breakfast is ready. Can you help get everyone up? We have a big day today.”
“We do?” I ask, but Finn is already rushing off to the kitchen. With a groan, I stand and head inside.
Rhett and Elliot are just making their way downstairs, followed by Wren, who still looks like she could sleep for another hour or two.
“Are Andrew and Benny awake yet?” I ask.
“Yeah.” Rhett pulls me into a hug. “I smelled food, so I got them up.”
“How’s Andrew?”
“Oddly quiet.” With a shake of his head, Rhett frowns. “I don’t know what he thinks about any of this.”
We join everyone else in the kitchen. Finn has a griddle fired up with pancakes going on it, and Mom has already weaseled her way in to help.
“Elliot,” she says, “I’ve got an omelette going for you.”
He groans and rubs his stomach. “You’re the best.”
“Wren, do you like omelettes?” Mom asks. “I can make one for you after his.”
“Oh, sure. Thanks.”
I grab a heaping plate of pancakes and kiss Mom on the cheek before heading into the dining room. Sparrow and Aubrey already have their food and have sat down together.
“So you’re leaving today?” I ask, trying to hide my disappointment. Aubrey is fun to hang out with, and I know how much her and Wren have missed each other.
Aubrey nods. “For the best. Finn told us about Axel’s plans. Just in case anyone comes looking for Ludo—or for me, since they think I’m his wife—it’s not a good idea for me to stick around.”
“Makes sense. And I’m glad your parents are safe now.”
I can’t lie, I’m relieved we don’t have to figure out a way to protect them. Getting captured by Ludo wasn’t part of the plan. All I want to do is spend time with the guys and Wren—and now Benny and Andrew.
That’s gonna be one hell of an adjustment.
“So am I,” Aubrey says. “They aren’t too happy with my overall plan, but this is a nice bonus. They’ll come around eventually.”
Everyone else files in slowly. Andrew is avoiding everyone’s gazes, and Benny is so focused on getting food into his system that I’m not sure he even realizes there are other people in the room.
“Once Aubrey and Sparrow head out, I figure we can head over to the mansion and see how bad things are,” Finn says. “Not kicking you out, but—”
“Oh shut up,” Sparrow says with a grin. “You definitely are.”
With a glare, Finn says, “Fine. Maybe I’msort ofkicking you all out. But I also know you all want to get home.”
“And you’re a recluse,” Sparrow mutters under her breath.
Ignoring her, Finn continues, “There’s more room in the mansion, anyway. I don’t mind giving up my room for a night for these two.” He gestures to the boys. “But I do prefer sleeping in my bed over the couch.”
“You don’t have to make excuses,” Elliot says on a laugh. “There’s a lot of us.”
“Told you they wouldn’t mind.” Sparrow smirks and elbows Finn.
“We’re going to a mansion?” Benny asks cautiously. “Mr. Holloway’s mansion?”