Page 82 of Vicious Deception
“If Richard wasn’t in the picture, would you both be okay with going back home?”
So far, it’s the only option I’ve come up with. Andrew can’t parent Benny, but I’m not confident that I can, either. Plus, I can’t put that on the guys and Wren—not without all of us talking about it, at least.
“Mom is better when she’s not around Dad,” Andrew says. “But he brings out the worst side in her. She can be a downright bitch.”
“Is that a yes or a no?” I’m not forcing Benny to live with Corinne—not if he doesn’t want to.
“We’d have to talk about it. It’s mostly up to Ben. I don’t want to live at home anymore regardless.”
“What’re you going to do now?”
He bristles. “I don’t need your advice.”
“Wasn’t going to give any. Unless you somehow manage to involve yourself with someone worse than Ludo.”
Scowling, Andrew bites out, “I only did that for Benny. I had plans before. I was gonna go to college.”
I’m tempted to ask what for, but I just nod. The only thing between us is tension. I’ve threatened his life twice already, for fuck’s sake. Of course he isn’t going to open up to me.
“We’ll figure things out,” I say. “No more making shady deals, okay?”
Andrew nods. I don’t think I need to explain to him how horribly things could’ve gone. He knows, and he won’t make the same mistake again. And if he tries to, I won’t let him.
“I just want to make sure Benny is okay.” Andrew looks away and stares out the window. “He was panicking last night that he’d have to go back home.”
“That’s not happening,” I say firmly. “I promised him it wouldn’t.”
Andrew shrugs. “He’s always been anxious.”
I know what it’s like to be young and have your whole life feel unstable. It’s hell on earth. It’s even harder when you’re the older sibling who’s trying to protect the younger one. I don’t want either of them to have to sit in all this uncertainty.
“Talk to Benny about Corinne,” I tell Andrew. “Give yourselves some time to think on it.”
“Does it matter? She doesn’t want to leave Dad. We tried to convince her to.”
“We’ll see.” It’s all I can say. I’m still not sure if I can trust him.
I leave, shutting the door behind me. Making sure Benny feels secure needs to be one of my first priorities, and it will be. But there’s one thing that tops everything else. I’ve put it off for long enough.
I need to talk to Wren.
Chapter twenty-six
Cleaningupafterdinnerdoesn’t take long. We’re pretty quiet, I think because we’re all so tired. Sleep only helps some when we have so much on our shoulders.
“Ludo won’t be able to get out, right?” I ask.
“Not even a chance.” After drying his hands, Elliot hangs up the dishtowel and opens his arms to me. When I enter them, he kisses my forehead. “We’ll show you where we’re keeping him tomorrow, but for now, just trust us. There’s no way he’s escaping.”
“I’ll always trust you.”
Oliver joins our hug, pressing his lips to Ell’s before nuzzling his face in my neck. “We built a special room just for him. Took every precaution possible.”
Right.It’s silly of me to be worried. They’ve been planning this for a decade.
“How long are we going to keep him here?” I ask.