Page 29 of Falling Shadows
“Definitely not the latter. He’s not scary at all.”
“Are you sure? He looks like he could break me in the palm of his hand with little to no effort,” I insist, and she snickers.
“I keep forgetting you don’t know stuff.” I turn to face her, confused about why that matters. She nods toward the professor. “Professor Gunnar Fitch is my papa.”
My eyes widen, surprise getting the better of me as I gape from her to the man up front a few times.
“Your father looks cool as fuck,” I admit, making her shake her head.
“Most people despise me because of him,” she whispers, avoiding my gaze, and I frown.
“Because they’re intimidated by him. Not in the ‘he looks a little scary’ kind of way, more the ‘I refuse to admit he’s better than me’ kind instead.”
I sigh. “That’s bullshit.”
“That’s life.”
Before I can offer her some kind of philosophical empowering speech, Fitch’s voice booms around us. “It seems we have a new student among us. Can anyone catch her up to speed on the lessons missed so far?” He’s staring at me, intrigue in his eyes, but his mask of indifference slips ever so slightly when he glances to my right and smiles at his daughter.
I can’t even explain what I would do for someone to look at me lovingly like that. Unconditionally, without reservation and no expectations.
I half expect Leila to raise her hand but, to my surprise, he points to someone behind me. Excellent.
“There are seven main categories of magic that will help determine the groups you work in while strengthening your powers. Nature-based, divination, conjuring, psychic, medics, shifters, and the one subject not encouraged at Silvercrest, necromancy,” Creed explains, all factual and to the point as I would expect. “Your magical ability will determine where you are categorized. Those of us with more than one gift will be placed in our strongest category while also training our other skills where possible.”
More than one magical ability? I didn’t even realize that was possible. And did he say…those of us? Is he talking about himself?
I can’t stop myself from looking back at him, only to find his eyes already on me, but I don't turn away for the first time in days. I’m too intrigued, hoping he’ll randomly disclose that information right now, but Professor Fitch continues to speak instead.
“Thank you, Creed. Since you’re heading out to the Pinebrook post today, I thought organizing you into your groups would be a good idea. I’ve placed some signs around the room with each magical sub-group written on them. Discuss with your friends and find the one best suited to you.”
Everybody rushes to their feet, excitement swirling in the air as I remain frozen in my seat. My gaze slowly travels around the room, reading each sign like one will magically tell me what to do.
“I’m over in the nature-based category, but I’m just going to speak to my papa first,” Leila murmurs, and I nod numbly as she walks away.
She’s barely taken two steps when I feel a presence at my back. “Where will you be placed, Raven?”
Clearing my throat, I stand, turning to avoid his gaze. Not because I don’t want to speak to him, but out of embarrassment. Dammit.
“That’s none of your business.”
“You still haven’t read the handbook, have you?” Zane murmurs, a hint of humor in his voice, and I shrug.
“Maybe if we go first, she might be more forthcoming,” Creed states, but I don’t lift my gaze from the spot on Eldon’s tie that I’m locked onto.
“I’ll be focusing on nature-based, Brax will be with the shifters, Creed with the psychics, and Zane in divination,” Eldon reels off, offering me an insight without telling me their abilities.
I quickly realize that I could say whichever I want, but lying isn’t my strong suit. It’s also what triggers my poor little mind and makes me anxious.
“And you…” Zane musters, hopeful that I’ll divulge, but I shrug.
Brax scoffs from my right, pulling my attention in his direction, but I still manage to avoid his gaze. “You know I can pull the information from you, right? All I have to do is place my hand on your head, and I’ll have everything I need.”