Page 60 of Falling Shadows
Stepping outside into the mid-afternoon sun, I exhale softly at the feel of the gentle breeze floating around us. “Do you want to link me?” Leila asks, coming to my left side. I’m about to take her up on her offer when my response is interrupted.
“Leila, come,” Professor Fitch murmurs, waiting impatiently to the left of the open entryway.
Disappointment flashes in Leila’s eyes as she turns to look at me. I can sense her conflict so I quickly wave her off.
“You’re good. I’ll see you later.”
“Hell yeah, you will. I can’t wait to see your gown,” she replies before bouncing off with her father.
“My gown?” I question, looking at Zane, and he shakes his head at me.
“Let’s worry about one thing at a time, shall we?”
That sounds like a plan.
I’m sandwiched between Creed and Zane as we head toward the locker rooms. When we get close, Creed tucks his arm around my waist and guides me toward the guys’ room instead of the girls’.
“What are you doing?” I ask, but don’t stop walking as they lead me inside.
“Cover your tiny penises, fuckers, there’s a lady present,” Zane hollers, and I chuckle at his choice of words.
I hear a few guys call bullshit but I’m not in any shape to confirm or deny it, especially when Creed lifts his free hand to try and shield my eyes.
They walk me through to the bathroom and showers at the back of the room where we find Brax and Eldon waiting.
“What’s going on?” I ask, hopeful I’ll get more of an answer this time. Eldon nods for me to step into the large, curtained shower area. Creed keeps his hold on my waist as I try to peer behind the curtain and find Finn standing in his uniform with a frown on his face.
The second he sees me, his eyes light up. I’m definitely missing something here.
“Okay, last time I’m asking. What is going on?” The bite is evident in my tone this time and even Finn flicks his gaze between me and Eldon. Brax grunts, moving to stand between us, his finger poised and aimed toward me.
“Heal her.” The order comes from Eldon and it’s aimed at Finn.
Finn runs his fingers over his lips as he assesses me, a smile tracing his lips before he glances back at Eldon. “What’s in it for me?”
“The fact that I don’t snap every bone in your body for even looking in her direction is gift enough,” he grunts in response, and Finn rolls his eyes.
“Fine, but only because she’s cute,” he murmurs, stepping toward me. Creed intercepts him before he gets too close.
“She’s not fucking cute to you. Do you understand? Heal her before I scramble your damn brain.”
Finn also rolls his eyes at Creed, their threats rolling off his back without concern. “Are you going to let me get close enough to heal her or not?”
A moment passes, followed by another, before Creed relents and steps back. He still crowds my space, though, as Finn moves closer. “Are you okay?”
“I’ve been better,” I admit, forcing a smile.
“Let me take care of you,” he breathes, making more than one Bishop growl in response, but I don’t turn to confirm exactly who it comes from as Finn reaches out his hand.
I brace for impact against my shoulder, but he hovers just above my skin, sending a warm tingle from his palm to my wound. I don’t know what to expect, but the temperature rises to an almost unbearable level before he drops the connection.
“And your head.” He lifts his hand to my face, his fingertips at my temple as he cups my cheek, and I feel the heat again. His eyes are trying to search mine, but I can sense he’s either using me to play with the Bishops or trying to have a moment with me. I don’t fucking know. I’m too tired to care and I opt to stare at the top button of his shirt instead.
“You’ve got to be done by now,” Zane states, pushing at Finn’s shoulder and knocking his hand from my face. “Fuck off.”
“Don’t I get a thanks?”