Page 66 of Falling Shadows
Water is poured into a glass for me and I instantly wish it was something stronger. Glancing around the room, I try to spot where Creed, Brax, Eldon, and Zane are sitting but there are too many people for me to catch a glimpse of their faces. I can’t spot Leila among the crowd, either.
I’ve spent the past fourteen years being a lone ranger and now I can’t even handle sitting at a table with my so-called family without my one friend and the Bishops’ presence.
I need to get a handle on myself.
“So, how are classes going, Raven? Sebastian tells me you survived today’s Gauntlet by the skin of your teeth.” Papa cocks a brow at me and if I didn’t want to leave before, I certainly do now.
“You wouldn’t believe it now, but she was pretty banged up. It took a little healing, but I hope you’re feeling much better now, Raven,” Finn interjects. Turning to face him, I can’t decide if he’s defending me or tooting his own horn for his ability to heal me.
“I am, thank you,” I murmur to him before turning my attention back to Papa. “They’re going as well as they can be. Random mishaps that land me in the wastelands of Ashdale make it a little difficult, though. Wouldn’t you agree, Sebastian?” I finally turn to him, hating the smug grin on his face.
There I was, thinking tonight was going to be a good ending to a shitty week.
Fuck was I wrong.
“Ashdale? What were you doing there?” Mama asks, and I smile sweetly at her and Papa.
“Why don’t you ask your son?”
I can’t decide if it’s a blessing or a curse that the food starts to arrive, halting our conversation. I can sense Finn watching me from the corner of my eye but I can’t handle him on top of the mess I’m already sinking in, so I eat in silence.
Seven courses of small portions come and go and I still feel hungry. From fish to poultry, finished with a selection of cheeses and a chocolate cake. Wiping the corners of my mouth with my napkin, I notice others start to mingle around us and I’m ready to join them. I’ve barely scraped my chair back an inch when the room goes silent.
“I’d like to start off by thanking the parents and families for attending tonight. The victory of our children, of our future, should be celebrated.” Professor Barton’s voice booms throughout the room and I glance around to see where his projection is, only to find the man himself standing on a stage to my right. Instead of wearing a suit like most of the men here, he’s draped in a red velvet cape with leather armor underneath. “I’d also like to thank The Monarchy for attending tonight’s celebrations. Seeing the future guardians of our realm before us is a wonderful thing.” He waves his hand to the left but I can’t see who he’s referring to over the heads in the way. “I don’t really want to say much more, but enjoy the rest of the night, and I’m excited to watch you continue your journey here at Silvercrest Academy. Follow the sun, destroy the shadows, and survive another dawn.”
My parents mouth the final words, as do Sebastian, Finn, and his parents too.
I’m ready to make a break for it but, as if sensing my eagerness to leave, Papa halts me with his gaze. “Raven, we must discuss more about how you’re adjusting here.”
I’d rather wash my face with a cheese grater.My hands clench in my lap, my desperate need to put some distance between us tightening my chest.
“Actually, Mr. Hendrix, I was hoping Raven would dance with me,” Finn interrupts, catching me by surprise.
What is his angle now?
“Of course, Finn. Raven couldn’t refuse such an offer now, could she?”
I mean…I definitely fucking could, but the excuse to get the hell away from him wins out.
“Lead the way.”
Finn offers me his hand but I don’t take it. He takes the hint and waves for me to step ahead. His hand instantly goes to the small of my back but I glare at him over my shoulder and he swiftly moves it.
“I’m doing you a favor, Raven. Calm down.”
“What’s in it for you?” I ask, glancing over the crowd in search of Leila and the Bishops while heading toward the dance floor, which is already filling with couples. I don’t catch sight of anyone I need at first, but I do see Barton talking with a group of people by the stage he’d stood atop moments ago.
“Please, I’ve been dying to snap your neck.” The snarl comes from a furious Eldon, who appears out of nowhere from the other side of Finn. The relief I feel at finally finding one of them is quickly lost when I’m sure he’s literally going to commit murder with his bare hands.
“You were fine for me to heal her. Besides, I’m doing her a favor, aren’t I, Raven?” he replies, draping his arm around my shoulder and instantly making the situation ten times worse.
I’m ready to hand him over to his maker, but he’s right, he is doing me a favor. Before I can say a word either way, Eldon has him by the collar, his eyes darkening as a fireball forms in his free hand.
“He’s right, Eldon. He got me away from Sebastian and Papa. I owe him one.” Eldon’s eyes don’t lighten at my words or my touch on his arm.