Page 85 of Falling Shadows
The hunt starts now.
I’m frozen in place, gaping at the most hot and cold man I’ve ever met in my life, trying to decide what I should do. Ishouldsay no. Ishouldsay anything other than what I’m considering.
The seriousness in his eyes is what’s holding me captive, twisting my gut with a mixture of apprehension and excitement. One brown, one green, always digging beneath the surface and prying for more.
If I run…
If I let him hunt me…
But if I don’t…
It’s not even a question. The mere thought of it has my body alive. He must sense the decision in me because he leans back an inch, giving me a head start, and I slowly slip off the watercraft. The cold water does nothing to cool my heating body.
“You have a ten second head start while I sort out the watercraft. Make them count, Shadow.”
My breath lodges in my throat, my pulse racing with a tinge of uncertainty colliding with exhilaration. I’m running for the shore before I can change my mind, and the second I’m on dry land I glance over my shoulder to check where he is. He’s still behind me, pushing the watercraft up onto the sand.
Casting my eyes around the water one last time, I still don’t see anyone else. It’s just me and him. What would he do if he caught me here? The feral gleam in his eyes tells me exactly what he would do and my thighs clench at the thought.
I need to move, I want the exhilaration of the chase just like he does.
With my mind made up, I bolt up the hill without another glance back. The panic and adrenaline coursing through my bloodstream is euphoric as I bypass the locker room, not caring about my things. My main focus is putting as much distance between Brax and me as possible.
I’m still baffled where all of this is coming from but I can’t deny that I like it, likehim. I was snide and shitty with the words I threw at him yesterday but he doesn’t seem to be holding them against me. I unloaded the events of yesterday on him, against my better judgment, and instead of telling me I was wrong for any of it or trying to shield me from the unknown, he admitted to hitting Sebastian and now he’s chasing me.
It’s fucked. Oh, so deliciously fucked.
Passing the academy building, I brace myself to run into someone, but it’s as if the fates are working in my favor today because there’s no one around. As I approach the pathway that leads down to our house, I can’t stop myself from taking a peek over my shoulder and I catch a glimpse of him in the distance.
The fucker isn’t even running, he’s taking purposeful strides, yet he’s still too fucking close for my liking.
My bare feet burn with pain, but I don’t care. I’m zoned in on our house and that’s all that matters. Racing for the front door, I panic when I realize I don’t have my key. Fuck. Trying the handle, I pray for it to open but, of course, it doesn’t.
Think, Raven. Think.
Glancing over my shoulder, I spot him as he starts to turn down the path and I’m moving before he gets too close. Frantically making my way around to the back of the house, I leap over the small fence and barrel toward the patio doors, pleading with anyone who can hear me for the door to be open.
My heart races as I grab the door handle and I gasp in surprise when the door opens. Slipping inside before he can catch me, I quickly shut it behind me and turn the lock.
Holy fuck.
Panting, I swipe my hair back off my face, noting a slight tremble in my hands as Brax appears on the other side of the glass. I grin, victory humming in my chest, but it’s short-lived when I realize all too quickly that he has magical abilities and I don’t.
Panic kicks in. I should have said not to use magic to make it fair, right?
He tries the handle and doesn’t seem too surprised that it’s locked. Dark intent swirls in his eyes as he swipes his tongue along his bottom lip.
“Open the door, Shadow.” I step back, shaking my head, and his palm hits the glass in the next breath, startling me. “Open the fucking door, Shadow,” he repeats, but I retreat a little further. “Last chance before I come in anyway,” he offers, and a frenzy of need sweeps through me.