Page 14 of Destined Shadows
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The air isthick as we step into the hall. The layout is the exact same as the night of the gala. Damn, that feels like an eternity ago. Everything was different then. I hadn’t had the joy of my parents removing the hold on my magic or the feel of it running through my veins. It was also the night I got to experience three of the Bishops, a night I wouldn’t give up for anything.
With that reminder in my thoughts, I put one foot in front of the other, heading toward where my parents are already seated with Sebastian cozied up to Abel. The other half of the table is empty, though, and I remember that’s because it was Finn who was seated with us last time. There’s a reason his parents aren’t here tonight. A reasonheisn’t here tonight. A casualty of a war we have no idea about.
I feel eyes on me as I cut through the room and I know it’s the Bishops, or at least some of them. The whole way here they were insisting on joining me, but I don’t want my father to see their importance to me. Sebastian may have told him, but it’s different than seeing it, and he doesn’t deserve to see my growing weakness with his own eyes.
My father’s back is to me, Sebastian murmuring in his ear while Mama glances around the room, looking everywhere but in my direction. I come to a stop next to Sebastian, hearing the slightest whisper as they seemingly don’t realize I’m here.
“You told me to make sure something drastic happened to bring out her powers, but…”
“Raven, you’re here,” Mama exclaims, interrupting whatever the fuck I was overhearing. Sebastian’s gaze tilts up with a glare and I want to press him on what he was talking about, my pulse ringing in my ears, but Abel stands, his chair scraping obnoxiously across the wood floor as he calls out my name.
“Raven, we’re so pleased to see you. How are you feeling after… everything?” Abel moves to place his hand on my shoulder and I quickly sidestep him, recoiling at the thought of his touch on me. If he notices my distaste or even cares about it, he doesn’t show it, which is far from a surprise. This man has the power to be oblivious to everything around him except what he deems important at the time.
He doesn’t care if I’m loving and affectionate with him. He just wants to know if my magic has made an appearance. The glimmer in his eyes shows it.
“Abel,” I offer in greeting, continuing to move around the table. Mama opens her arms for a hug, but my earlier worries resurface and I slip down into the seat beside her instead. Too scared that if she touches me, she’ll know.
“I was so worried when I heard the news,” Mama gushes, reaching her hand out, but I don’t move to offer any kind of embrace and she eventually drops her hands into her lap. I don’t miss the glance over her shoulder at my father and Sebastian’s words from moments earlier repeat in my mind.
“You told me to make sure something drastic happened to bring out her powers.”
Was he talking about me?
The way my gut swirls tells me he was. Did Sebastian and my father have a hand in what happened yesterday? I can’t deal with this shit on top of everything else. Why can’t things be more black and white?
“Raven…” Abel’s voice sounds irritated, and when I bring my gaze to his, he nods toward Mama. A silent command to respond to her. What is it he expects me to say?
Clearing my throat, I run my hands over my pleated skirt. “I’m fine, Mama. I’m here, aren’t I?” There, how’s that for some fake response?
Mama’s eyebrows pinch, seeing straight through the façade while Abel leans back in his seat, assessing me with curious eyes.
“Any change since we last saw you?”
“You mean since you violated me?” I quirk a brow, my lips twisting at the vein that instantly throbs at his temple. If he wanted a good, obedient child, he should have remained focused on Sebastian and left me the fuck alone.
“Are you always this dramatic, Raven? As a child, I remember you being so sweet and innocent.” His musing pisses me off, and I can’t tell whether that’s what he was aiming for or not.
“Do you always pull your children from class, pin them down, and let someone mess with their magic?” My blood boils as I snap at him. I hate that I’m giving him a reaction, but it’s impossible not to.
“Raven, please lower your voice. We rushed here to make sure you were okay after the terrible attack. I don’t want to waste what time we have with you arguing,” Mama pleads with tired eyes.
My nostrils flare, my teeth sinking into my tongue to bite back another lashing they deserve. “I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want, but it wasn’t me who made decisions for our family all of those years ago. I’m just dealing with the aftermath of it.” My gaze cuts between them both, not even bothering with Sebastian as I brace my hands on the table and rise. “Now, if all you wanted to see was me alive, you’ve had your fill. Unfortunately, whatever the fuck that was yesterday, I’m still as Void as I was the day before. And I can only assume your presence is to confirm whether I’m still a Void or not, so I’m sorry to disappoint, but I am what I am.”
Before I can take a step away from the table, Mama grabs my arm, halting me in place. Her arms are around my neck in the next breath, a tighter embrace than I ever remember as she squeezes me close. “I love you, sweet Raven. Never forget that. You can lie to them, lie to my face, lie to whoever you want, but I see it, I feel it, I know it.” Bile burns the back of my throat, my heart beating so hard in my chest I’m sure it’s going to burst. “I can see the change in your eyes, a sense of distress like never before. Your secret is safe with me. Take a deep breath, gather yourself, and remember what I said. Follow the sun, destroy the shadows, and survive another dawn.”
She releases me a second later, the truth flashing in her eyes; she definitely knows. I subtly nod in response before dashing from the table without a backward glance. I almost stumble over my own feet as I try to hurry away, but I’m quickly enveloped in strong arms a moment later.
“Where’s my Dove flying off to?”
I sag against Zane, not caring that we’re in a room full of people, as I let my heart calm and the tension ebb a little. “I was escaping my cage,” I murmur back when I can finally focus.
“I’ve got you,” he breathes against my hair, the words barely audible above the growing chatter. I’m not sure how much time passes before he leans back and drapes an arm around my shoulders. “Come and join us for a few minutes before we head out, okay? I’ve already spoken to my father about putting a word in with the administration over parent seating the next time they spring this on us.”