Page 16 of Destined Shadows
Eldon doesn’t offer any more details as we make our way back to the house, leaving me just as tightly coiled as I was at the table. The way he holds my hand, shifting between squeezing tighter for a beat and running his thumb over my knuckles, reassures me but still gives me no preparation for what I’m walking into.
Creed’s hand is solid at the small of my back, keeping him just as close, as Brax stomps in front, leading the way, and Zane hovers a step or two behind us.
It should be odd that there are four guys and only one of me, but I think it would break me if any of them demanded that I choose. All that matters is that it’s working for us. They’re not asking me to do anything like that. If anything, they like it even more. The housemate handbook flashes in my mind, combined with Zane’s smart mouth, and I relax at the impending doom tempting to take over me.
Once Eldon has done whatever he needs, I can hopefully talk through everything running through my mind, so I’m not constantly triggered with a bout of worry over where I stand. Casual is usually fine with me, but I can’t deny that this feels like more, and after what I did to Brax… there’s no coming back from that.
We turn down the path that leads to our house and Brax unlocks the door, letting it swing open with a little more force than necessary before heading for the dining table. Everyone else follows him, so I keep in step, murmuring my thanks when Zane holds my chair out for me.
Eldon drags his chair out to my right, dropping down beside me with his usual smirk on his face. “Okay, what is it—”
“Food first,” Creed interjects, and I glare at him. Pity my stomach doesn’t get the memo that we’re mad, though, because it rumbles in agreement a second later. He lifts his eyes, silently begging me to challenge him, but I know when to keep my mouth shut…
When I’m dead.
“I’m beyond stressed with this weird vibe between us. Food can—” Pizza appears in front of me, cutting off my train of thought as I gape down at the deliciousness, drool likely clinging to my chin. Deep dish, extra cheesy, topped high with pepperoni. Fuck. “Fine, food first,” I relent, grabbing a slice. I sink back in my seat, groaning at the good stuff as my eyelids fall closed.
“Now my dick is hard,” Zane grunts, and I peer out of the corner of my eye to find a grin on his face as he makes an exaggerated show of readjusting himself.
Food or dick?
Dick or food?
“You’re distracting her. Let the fucking woman eat so we can go over everything. Then we can think about wet dicks and toe-curling orgasms, okay?” Eldon states, making my core clench at the idea. I can’t find any words, so I hum my agreement and take another bite of pizza.
Thankfully, no one else speaks as we devour the pizzas. I have no control over my hunger and don’t stop until I can’t fit any more in my mouth. The others aren’t far behind me when Zane makes a pile of napkins appear and I clean off my hands, the reminder of Eldon’s announcement rearing its head again.
Turning to face him, I exhale nervously and brace myself. “What is it we need to deal with?”
“You.” I can’t decide whether he just enjoys causing me distress or doesn’t realize that things aren’t as simple as he says.
“Just because you know what you’re thinking doesn’t mean I do, Eldon, and it’s not easy trying to play it cool all the time,” I grumble, leaving myself more vulnerable than I would have liked, but my walls come down so effortlessly in their proximity it’s impossible to stop.
His eyes widen in surprise and he quickly adjusts how he’s sitting so he’s closer to me, our elbows almost touching. “I need to make sure we clear the air and we all know where we stand. We haven’t really had a chance to do that since leaving the outpost, so I think it’s more vital than ever that you understand what you mean to me. Powers or not.”
Well then.
Gulping, I wet my bottom lip.How the fuck am I supposed to be a badass, independent queen when he says shit like that and makes me all gooey on the inside?
“That’s a conversation I’m here for,” Zane adds, while Creed nods and Brax simply stares at me, giving nothing away. Shocker.
“Maybe we need to start off with understanding how Raven’s magic feels to her,” Creed offers, a soft smile on his face as he eyes me across the table, and I nod numbly in response as I try to piece it all together.
“I don’t really know. I just… Brax was just…” I swipe a hand down my face, trying to gather my words instead of rushing to answer. Sighing, I look at the gargoyle in question, his eyes burning into mine as I clear my throat. “I just know that I was petrified, heartbroken, and distraught beyond words. When you were unresponsive, when we couldn’t find your sword, it was all too much. I couldn’t bear to think about you not being here with us. And then my magic just…” I can’t stop sayingjust,but it’s just… indescribable.
“Can you remember what you did? How it felt?” Brax asks, leaning on the table slightly as he keeps his eyes fixed on me.
I frown, trying to remember, but it’s all a blur, so I shake my head.
“Her hands were on you and she let out the most guttural cry I’ve ever heard. It was like the world stood still… and then your eyes opened,” Eldon explains, my heart racing as he describes the scene, and I can’t imagine how it makes Brax feel. His eyes still bore into mine, not even turning to his friend. Offering me the same reminder from that moment.
One brown. One green.
“You’re a necromancer,” Brax states, the words barely audible over the sudden pounding of my pulse in my ears, but I can’t hide from it anymore.
“I am. I’m a necromancer.” I’ve said it before, but it still feels foreign on my tongue. No matter what, I can’t change this about myself. Whether any of us like it or not, it’s not going to magically disappear.