Page 25 of Destined Shadows
I frown at his statement as Raven quickly rises to her feet to get a better look at him.
“Woke you?” she asks, taking a tentative step forward, and he nods again.
“Yeah.” His hand moves from his messy hair to drag down his face as he tries to wipe the exhaustion away. “My visions are all upside down,” he admits.
“What does that mean?” I ask, rising to my feet beside Raven, but he quickly tries to wave us off. “Fuck that, man. We need to be a team here. We’re all feeling shit, we’re all awake in the dead of night, and we need to piece this together instead of isolating ourselves,” I grumble, making Raven scoff.
“From what I recall, you came out here and we talked about me. You didn’t delve into anything you’re going through yourself.” She gives me a pointed look, but the smirk on her lips lets me know she’s teasing. I hope.
Shrugging, I look between them both. “The attack on the outpost keeps running through my mind when I’m trying to sleep. It’s impossible.” Pursing my lips, I consider how deep I should go before I decide to share everything, since that’s exactly what I’m asking of them. “The green faceless men, the Amayans, were impossible for me to penetrate. I couldn’t get into their minds at all. I was helpless.”
Raven’s hand finds mine without her eyes flicking away from me. The blue hues offer a glimmer of hope in my darkness.
“So what I’m hearing is the outpost is fucking us all over,” Eldon murmurs, folding his arms over his chest as he pretty much sums it all up. “I think a trip to Shadowmoor is needed, don’t you?”
Before either of us can answer, the latch on the patio doors draws our attention to Brax and Zane, both with tired eyes.
“I think that’s exactly what we need,” Brax declares, and I nod.
“I’m still startled by the fact that Fitch offered to train me. There’s something we don’t know, but by the look on his face, he doesn’t seem so privy to the facts either,” Raven adds, and my jaw clenches.
She’s spot on. His offer caught us all by surprise, but the panic in Raven’s eyes was clear. The fear of her magic being revealed to anyone else made it obvious that it is not an option for her. Goodwill gesture or not, Fitch needs to be kept at arm’s length for the foreseeable future. Leila too.
“So what do we do then?” Zane asks, stepping outside and placing himself on the other side of Raven.
“There’s something in my visions, a place I’ve never noticed before, but the darkness that it holds, I get the feeling it may be in Shadowmoor.” Eldon’s brows furrow as he speaks. Being unable to piece his vision together is clearly causing him some issues.
“Shadowmoor it is then.”
Ilooked at my brothers and my Little Bird with her noticeably pink hair and it was clear as day that we were all overwhelmed and exhausted. Two feelings we want to tamp down and pretend don’t exist, but there’s no avoiding them. There’s no escape. Creed is right; we’re a team. We need to eradicate the common denominator, and that’s the unknown bullshit we’re drowning in.
Fuck all of that to high Hell and back again.
I’m Eldon fucking Rhodes, I don’t let shit get the better of me. Not even my own magic drifting into my dreams and hooking me up at its mercy. My visions may be demanding my attention, playing more frequently than usual, but the most persistent one is starting to drive me insane.
Darkness. A vortex of grays in every shade, the paler tones offering a small glimpse at my surroundings. There’s no sun in sight, not even a glow from the moon as I slowly spin in a circle to see where I am. It’s nowhere I’ve been before, which is what is hurting my brain the most. Black marble floor scattered with cracks and blemishes, stone walls with names carved into the surface, while burnt-out torches line the edge of the room. Nothing but a golden table stands in the center of the room, but the sound of scurrying feet echoes around me. I don’t know where the fuck I am, but if I don’t find out soon, I’m going to go crazy.
The location is key to understanding what my vision is trying to tell me. I don’t know why I’m associating the vision with Shadowmoor, maybe it’s the darkness, but since that’s where everything started to go to shit, it’s a viable place to begin.
Pacing the floor by the front door, I heave a sigh of relief when Zane, Creed, and Brax all filter in from their respective rooms. They all fade into the background when Raven steps from her room and my heart starts to race faster in my chest.
Her pink hair is scooped up into a high ponytail, two fine strands framing her face, which is makeup-free, offering me a glimpse at the beauty that is wholeheartedly her. She’s wearing black combat pants, a fitted white tee, and a pair of boots that make her look so fucking hot it should be illegal.
I’m considering changing my decision to spend the first day of the weekend going to Shadowmoor, wanting to stay here tangled up in the sheets with her instead.
“Are we going or do you need a little longer to gawk at her?” Brax grumbles, but when I glance his way, he’s sneaking another peek at her too.
“I don’t know, I could gawk all day if she’d let me,” I retort, winking at Raven as my gaze locks with hers.
She rolls her eyes at me, as usual, but the teasing smile beneath her attempt at acting indifferent tells another story.
“Open the gateway, Brax, before these two turn this into an orgy,” Zane says with a chuckle, making Raven’s cheeks heat. I’m expecting another sharp comment from that tongue of hers, but to my surprise, nothing comes.