Page 31 of Destined Shadows
“Bring on the shots.”
The idea of attending the party sounded good at first. On paper, it still makes total sense, but what I didn’t consider was the distraction that is Raven fucking Hendrix swaying her damn hips on the dance floor like a vixen.
She’s drinking, having fun, and making my cock impossibly hard with every second that ticks by. There’s no smirk on her lips, no glimpse over her shoulder in our direction, nothing. She’s having a good time forher. The show we’re getting is just a bonus. The people naturally gravitating toward her and Leila, however, are pissing me off.
Nobody makes a move to touch her, though, not how they want to. I’ve seen a few glances in our direction from a couple of fourth years, but if my own glare hadn’t turned them away, Brax’s steely demeanor definitely did.
“If we’re being real about all of this, who do wethinkwe should be keeping an eye on?” Zane asks, spinning his half-empty glass on the high table we’re all standing around. We’ve naturally opted to keep the drinking to a minimum so we can focus on the task at hand while also giving Raven free rein to go crazy, as we’ll be here to protect her.
“Where do we even begin?” Creed mutters, tapping his fingers on the wood top as he tracks Raven’s every move.
It’s still crazy as fuck that he destroyed that fucker back in Shadowmoor without a second thought. I would have expected that behavior from Brax more than him, but they do say it’s always the quiet ones you need to watch. His unhinged tendencies turned Raven on when he was in the Gauntlet and I’m sure her lady boner just got harder for him seeing him destroy that pissant. Shit, I was sure my own dick was going to twitch with awe.
“Sebastian.” Brax’s grunt interrupts my thoughts and I instantly seek out the other Hendrix. He’s on the opposite side of the graveyard, his hands all over someone who isnotGenie, and I almost barf at the drama that’s going to unfold with those two. Especially when she catches wind of this. We were never really a thing, but even I know she quickly turns into a damn demon when she doesn’t get her way.
My gaze travels back to Raven. The stark difference between her and anyone else I’ve ever met in my life is staggering. I don’t know what Leila’s whispering in her ear, but she throws her head back a second later, laughing along like no one’s watching.
She’s a fucking goddess.
Ourfucking goddess.
Mylittle bird.
“Do you think we could get him to talk?” Zane asks, and my hands clench at the interruption again. This was my idea, I know that, but if I can’t be over there with my woman, swaying to the beat blasting around us, then I at least want to fantasize about her without interruption. With these guys actually focusing on what we’re here for, I’ve got no chance.
“I don’t think so. Not when he’s highly aware that he’s on our shit list. I don’t think we could trust a word out of his mouth. Do you?” I cock my brow at Zane and he grimaces, instantly agreeing.
“Maybe we need to consider what families people are from. The way he mentioned Zane’s dad has me thinking this is some elite shit. They’re not just going to invite anyone,” Creed offers, and I purse my lips, considering his words as I cast my gaze over the space again.
“There are a few kids here with families in The Monarchy, my father mentions it sometimes, but I would have to find out who exactly. Not everyone exploits that fact like some.” Zane rubs the back of his neck as he glances over everyone too, and I nod in agreement.
“Big-mouthed fools aren’t going to be where we need to be looking. If they’ve managed to keep this a secret from us for so long already, then they’ve got to be tight-lipped,” I summarize. I could be completely off track, but we only have five days to figure this shit out and make a decision, which doesn’t give us much time to vet anyone.
“Who is the fourth year pressing up against Leila?” Brax asks, nodding in their direction, and I whip around to double-check that someone isn’t trying to get close to Raven too. I should have known by Brax’s calmness that there was nothing to worry about, but seeing her still dancing alone, hands raised in the air as she swings her hips, eases the tension that stiffened my spine.
“I think that’s Grave Richardson. His grandfather is Monarch Richardson, head of Pinebrook if I recall correctly,” Zane murmurs and my eyes widen. I didn’t know that.
“Could he be someone for us to look into?” Hope rises inside of me and it only grows when Zane nods.
“He doesn’t tend to have drama circulating around him and his grandfather is highly regarded. He could definitely be a member.”
“Is there anything else we should know about him before we feel him out? We’re going to need to know his abilities at a minimum so we know what we’re up against,” Brax states, making more sense than I want to give him credit for.
“Agreed. Let’s focus on him and see what we can figure out,” Creed declares, and my brows furrow.
“We can’t rest all of our hopes ononeguy.”
“I’m not saying we should, but until we can gather a list of others to look into, he’s our shot,” he retorts, making me sigh.
“Fine, does that mean I’m off duty now?” I ask, already stepping around the table.
“This wasyouridea!” Zane exclaims, eyes wide as he gapes at me, and I shrug.
Turning my attention to Raven, I stalk toward her, my fingers itching to feel her bare skin. I don’t try to sidestep any of the students standing between us. I’m completely locked in on her, and it’s like they all know it, parting like the sea as I get closer until nothing stands between me and my little bird.