Page 53 of Destined Shadows
“Well, not suppress, but hide it, I guess. It’s frowned upon.”
My chest lurches. “What is?”
She nervously rubs her lips together, glancing around the room as if someone could jump out and hear her at any point. “I can emit my magic into my surroundings and it turns into a truth serum of sorts. So people talk honestly, are unable to lie, and speak more freely than they may usually do.”
Wow. That’s… wow.
“Awful, I know, but—”
“No, no. If anything, that’s cool as fuck. Useful as hell in a place like this, but I say all of that when it’s not actually being used onme.”
She grimaces again, but I wave her off. If we’re talking about her, we’re not talking about me, and if anything, this is a handy piece of information for future reference.
“Raven, what happened?”
Dammit. I thought I had completely distracted her from my mess, but it seems I can’t get away from it that easily. Real concern is thick in her voice but I need to get the hell out of here and process all of this myself before I start sharing with anyone else. Besides, the people I need to talk to aren’t her. I need the Bishops.MyBishops. I was prepared to deal with bullshit when Burton pulled me from class, but this? This is a whole other level of crazy.
“Sorry, I’m good,” I finally manage, relieved when I don’t continue to spill my truth to her without my consent. Although, I’m sure she would prefer it if I did. Staring at my feet, I frown down at my backpack on the floor. I thought that had been left on the porcelain floor where I first landed in Haven Court. I don’t know. Reaching for it regardless, I hike it over my shoulder and plaster a fake smile on my lips. “Can I head back to class now?”
“Class? Raven, they’ve finished for the day.”
My steps toward the door pause as I slowly spin to stare at her. How is that possible? I wasn’t gone that long, was I? It wasn’t even lunchtime when I left. I need to find the Bishops, and quickly; otherwise, I’m in for the world’s worst headache for being gone so long when they knew I was likely being lead into danger.
“They have? Oh, well, I’ll head back to my house instead then,” I reply, far too chirpy as I all but run for the door. My hand has wrapped around the door knob when I flinch at her hand on my shoulder.
She quickly removes it and I force myself to bite back the grimace as I turn to face her again.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Raven? I can arrange a gateway to your house if that would be easier,” she offers, concern marring her forehead as she purses her lips, and I frown.
“You can do that? You didn’t the day I got here.” I don’t know why I’m even bringing that up right now and extending this unnecessary conversation.
Lyra shrugs. “I wasn’t so keen on you then.”
Oh. “And now?”
“Now, your words of wisdom give me life. I can make an exception or two for someone with that kind of impact.” My eyes widen at her admission as I try to remember what bullshit I gave her to begin with, but it feels like forever ago. “So, the gateway?” she offers when I just stare at her, but I shake my head.
“Thanks, but I think I could do with the fresh air and a second to think after all of… that.” I wave my hand toward the corner where the gateway was, as if that makes sense, before tugging the door open.
I can tell there’s more she wants to say and do, but she must sense that I’m at my limit because she nods. “That’s fine, Raven. But if you need anything, anything at all, let me know. I can try and help.” I mumble my thanks, ready to slip through the door, but she stops me again. “Is that your magic, by the way?”
“What?” Confusion clouds my thoughts as she waves between us.
“Not one person has noticed me using my magic since I’ve been trying to unleash it more, but you saw right through it without missing a beat.”
My eyebrows pinch together. “I would never talk to someone I barely know so openly like that,” I state, but she shakes her head.
“Usually, people don’t notice how loose-lipped they’re being, even if they’re normally locked down like a fortress. It’s like you could sense it in the air or something. I’ve heard of that kind of magic before, but I’ve never actually met anyone with it.”
Stumped for words, I plaster a tight smile on my face and nod before finally slipping through the door and closing it behind me. I’m certain it’s going to slam, but I’m far quieter than I expect with the current frenzy running through me.
I slump back against the wood, giving myself a second to catch my breath. Thankfully, it’s dead in the hallways since classes are somehow over, and I use that to my advantage while I still feel so vulnerable.
My eyelids drift shut and the glass cage or chamber or whatever the fuck it was flashes on the back of them. What was that torture chamber about? I have so many questions about that room, about Abel and his craziness, Mama and her… help? Rhys and his questioning…