Page 61 of Destined Shadows
I’m not going to jinx myself today and think about what the day might bring, I’m just going to focus on putting one foot in front of the other and hope for the best.
It’s still strange that Leila isn’t waiting like she usually would be, and I’m almost wondering if I miss her presence. I need to pull my head out of the sand with that entire situation, too, and either get over myself or stick to my guns.
Eldon’s hand wraps around mine, distracting me from my thoughts as Brax heads down the path without a backward glance. Fucker knows we’ll follow. This time, Creed swoops into my right side while Zane grumbles behind me about how unfair it is that he doesn’t get to touch me this morning.
His pouting and complaining always make me grin, lifting a little of the weight weighing heavy on my shoulders by just being him.
The throng of other students on the main path gives us a wide berth as we join them, but I can’t help but get the sense they’re looking at us extra hard today. Usually, the girls all focus on the Bishops,myBishops, but when I look at them now, they’re staring at me too. I can’t decide if it’s a snarl or a smirk on their lips, but I opt to focus on myself and my guys rather than their issues.
“Tonight, we’re going to try out the theory of sensing other magic around you, yeah?” Eldon murmurs, nudging his arm against mine, and I nod.
“Sounds like a plan.” It’ll be good to try and figure out what other abilities I might have, despite the craziness of how real this all is. If I’ve thought it once, I’ve thought it a thousand times. Never in my life did I expect to go from a Void to a necromancer in the blink of an eye. Regardless, we’re here now, and I’m a bundle of nerves and excitement at the thought of delving further into it all. “I’m ready to explore the possibilities, but more than that, I’m ready for a day of doing absolutely nothing. A day where I’m just Raven. At the moment, I can’t fucking blink without something causing a stir and the constant drama is driving me insane,” I admit, and Creed hums in agreement.
“Your wish is my command, Little Bird,” Eldon declares, brushing his lips over my knuckles in a quick kiss before he winks at me, continuing on like nothing happened.
As the crowd grows bigger and we get closer to the academy building, the underlying feeling I got from the other students increases with the density of the crowd.
“Does it seem like people are staring more than usual?” I mumble, hating how ridiculous I sound, and Brax stops dead in front of us, despite not hearing what I even said.
“They do seem more… observant this morning,” Creed states as we slow to a stop behind Brax.
“What the fuck is going on now?” Zane grumbles, his hand falling to the small of my back at the exact moment I lock eyes with Genie. Her hand is covering her mouth as she makes an exaggerated giggle ring out around us.
What the fuck am I missing?
“Hey.” Leila appears in front of Brax, blocking Genie from my view for a second, and the grimace on her face doesn’t ease the tension building inside of me.
“Hit me with it.”
“She’s being a bitch.”
“Who do you think?” she retorts, glancing over her shoulder to where Genie stands.
Of course she is.
“What has she done now?”
Leila sighs and I notice the piece of paper she’s clutching in her hands. She slowly spins it around so I can see the other side and understanding washes over me.
Picture after picture, frame after frame, my heart races in my chest. They’re all of me. Not alone, though. With one of my men. In every single photo. It’s not a montage of cute pictures where we’re staring at the screen offering a peace sign as we live our best lives.
It’s basically a compilation of myOface in compromising positions with each and everyone one of the Bishops. There are multiple pictures with Brax with the patio glass smashed from when he chased me from class. There are a few that are hazy at best, but I’m still pinned to a tree with Creed between my legs. While others show my lips pressed against Zane and Eldon’s.
I’m still committing every inch of the paper to memory when it’s snatched from my hands, but the bright red marker that is scrawled over the front is imprinted in my mind.
“What the fuck is this?” Brax snarls, but I don’t stick around to give him the answer, I’m already cutting through the crowd and their watchful stares as I storm toward my target.
“What the fuck is your problem?” I bite, and Genie smirks at me like I’m giving her the exact reaction she wanted, but I don’t give a fuck.
“Problem? I don’t have one. Maybe you do, though, if it’s taking four men to…” Her words trail off as she looks down the length of me. If she’s going to point fingers at me, I want to hear the words from her lips.
“To what, Genie? Give me things you always wanted?” I push, watching as the grin drops from her lips and her eyebrows pinch together.