Page 73 of Destined Shadows
If I hadn’t vowed it before, I vow it now.
I will protect this woman at all costs. Always and forever.
* * *
Dressedin my favorite black cloak and golden mask, we trudge through the shadows of the academy grounds with Leila as our guide again. Even though we haven’t seen so much as a glimpse of anyone, she still keeps us off the main pathways, just in case.
As much as we need to be a part of this damn Guild, I need some rest. The academy building grows closer and we’re heading down the narrow steps in no time. The hum of chatter echoes around us as we make our way into the Lair, where everyone is waiting in black-on-black combat gear.
Leila guides us to a table in the far corner, where a neatly folded pile of clothes awaits each of us. Using our magic, we transition from our casual clothing to the black combat pants, long-sleeved black top, and lace-up black boots provided. To finish it all off, we’re each provided with a black knitted hat.
“What’s tonight about?” Raven asks, glancing at Leila, who shrugs in response.
“No clue. Nothing is ever really explained in advance. It’s all about trust and being blindly guided through the craziness,” she replies, waving her hand around.
“Fantastic.” Raven sighs as she resecures her hair tie.
“I did manage to learn from my father that it’s Professor Figgins who tends to the compound of magical beings. I know it’s not much, but it’s a positive, right?”
Raven smiles tightly. “Thank you. At least we know who to be looking out for.” She doesn’t mention that we’re going to speak to Lyra as well, as we discussed earlier, but she accepts the help. I guess this is what keeping someone at arm’s length looks like.
“Everyone, gather around.” We follow Burton’s voice to the center of the room where everyone else is waiting. Genie and Sebastian are whispering together on the other side of the group while the rest of the members focus on Burton. “If everyone can summon your swords, please.”
His request surprises me, but I do it, just like everyone else. I frown down at the metal in my hands and it takes me a second to realize that the last time I had hold of this was the night of the Shadowmoor attack. It feels like a lifetime ago, yet as if no time has passed at all. It’s bizarre.
“Do any of you guys find it weird that we haven’t had these out in any of Figgins’s classes since the night at the outpost?” Raven murmurs, frowning down at her blade, and my eyes widen at the realization.
“I think everything is weird these days,” Eldon grumbles, making me smirk despite the circumstances.
“We could be reading too much into it,” Creed offers, and Raven hums in agreement, but it doesn’t ease the crease between her eyes.
“If you would like to follow me, we’ll be combat training tonight,” Burton orders as a gateway appears beside him. He steps through it first, leading the way.
“The mottos are confusing me as well,” Raven murmurs as she stays close to my side.
“Which mottos?”
“What does Burton say after every gathering within the school?”
“Follow the sun, destroy the shadows, and survive another dawn.”
“And what does the same man make us say when we enter the Nightmares Guild?” she pushes, and I take a second to recall what I said as we step through the gateway.
“Follow your heart, find solace in the shadows, and take down the dawn.”
She nods in approval. “My mother whispered those exact words to me the day they forced me into the medical center and removed the magical barrier from me. I didn’t understand it when she did, and if I’m honest, I don’t understand them now, but it’s odd to me that Burton leads the school with one motto while swearing us into the Guild with similar words that feel so different at the same time.”
She has a point. I don’t know the answer, and she knows that. She’s just venting to me, but it still causes a stir in my chest.
Looking around at where we are, there’s nothing but perfectly cut green grass for what feels like miles. Not a tree, shrub, house, or anything else in sight except for the moonlight glowing down upon us.
“Tonight, I want the fourth years to ensure they pair off with a younger member of the Guild. We’re going to be doing the battle sequences that we discussed earlier,” Burton states as the nearby fourth years nod in agreement.
“You, come with me,” a girl murmurs to Raven, and my back instantly stiffens. Is this a ploy to get her away from us? I’m not the only one to think it, either. Brax, Creed, and Eldon all step forward as well.
“Hey, are you the girl who works at the uniform store?” Raven asks, completely oblivious to the concern rippling around her, and the girl nods.
“I remember you too. Raven, right?”