Page 75 of Destined Shadows
“Ignore me, I clearly have no idea what I’m talking about.” He takes the offer and we jump into another bout of attacks, taking turns on offense and defense. We push harder and longer with every pass, and it’s true: I’ve met my match with him.
When we take another break, gulping down as much water as possible, I decide to ask a question that’s been playing on my mind since we learned the Guild existed. “Can I ask you something?”
“Why is it called the Nightmares Guild? Like, why Nightmares?”
A dark smile grows across his face. “Because we’re the Guild that gives the nightmare creatures of our realm and beyondtheirnightmares.”
How, in this realm, is there no ability to magically make me feel any less tired? It’s like that’s all I am lately: tired, drained, exhausted. They all amount to the same thing and they’re all completely unsolvable unless you’re actually able to get uninterrupted sleep, which feels like a distant memory at this point.
The shadows occupying my room seem to have calmed, but now our nights are disrupted by the Nightmares Guild instead.
After last night’s training, there was a promise of another session tonight and most nights going forward. One thing is clear, something is brewing on the horizon. If it’s not, then they’re scared of something, which is why the training seems to have been kicked up a notch or two for the foreseeable future.
Whatever has them shaking things up is lost on us. We’re never privy to that information, but we’re training for it regardless. At least I made a connection last night with Florentine. She’s now the closest thing I have to an ally in the Guild, other than the Bishops and Leila, of course.
The fact that she gave up any further future within the realm to dedicate herself to the Guild is a telling sign that she truly believes in the cause. I wasn’t the only one to gain another friend in there either. Grave, Zane’s partner, was all handshakes and high-fives when we were done, and Zane seemed to like him well enough.
Brax didn’t mention the guy he worked with, but that’s not a surprise. Neither did Creed, but Eldon said the fourth year he paired off with was focused and determined yet easy-going when they broke off.
I never thought I would be actively seeking allies, but it’s clear we really don’t know what is around the corner, and the more people we have on our side instead of against us is vital.
With my hair braided down my back, I’ve changed out of my uniform and into a pair of leggings with an emerald-green sweater and my newly-acquired combat boots issued by the Guild. Stepping out into the lounge, I pause when my gaze settles on my men who are waiting for me.
Brax is sitting the farthest away, wearing gray sweats and a plain white tee all casual, with his usual brooding face on. Eldon is beside him, leaning back in his seat in a pair of dark denim jeans and a black hoodie. Creed is on the sofa, facing them in a black tracksuit that only seems to make his eyes darker, while Zane is sitting beside him in a pair of gray shorts and a matching sweatshirt.
We’re all going to the same place, and how we dress for the situation is so different it’s almost amusing. What matters more than anything is the fact that they’re sitting here waiting for me, just like they said they would.
My chest clenches. Whenever they’ve said they’ll show up, they’ve done so. Any promise they’ve made, they’ve kept it. Any emotion I’ve felt, no matter how deeply, they’ve validated it. Time and time again, they’re speaking with actions and not just words, and as much as I like to put my walls up and hide from the world behind them, they’ve made it impossible for me to hide from them.
Clearing my throat, four sets of eyes spin my way. “I appreciate you guys. You know that, right?” I twiddle my thumbs nervously as their startled expressions shift to knitted brows and hints of confusion.
“Where’s that coming from?” Eldon asks, scratching his jaw as he continues to stare me down.
I shrug. “I feel like I showed up here and flipped everything on its head with my drama, and you just seem to be rolling with the punches like it’s no issue. I just wanted you to know that I see it, too, everything you’re doing for me, and I appreciate it.” I’m almost wishing I had kept my mouth shut as my cheeks heat under their attention.
“It’s a good thing you’re worth it then, isn’t it?” Zane states with a smirk as he pushes up to his feet and saunters toward me. I roll my eyes but it falls flat as he envelops me in his arms and squeezes me tight.
My eyes drift closed as I hug him back just as tight before he slowly takes a step back.
“So, without Ari, how are we getting to the compound?” Creed asks as Zane grabs my hand and pulls me toward the sofas. He doesn’t sit us down, though. He’s just as eager to get out of here as the rest of us. But it’s not going to be as easy as it was the last time I went to the compound since it was just me and Ari, and there’s no way in hell all five of us would fit on the back of him.
“It will be easier if Brax makes a gateway for us,” I state, and he instantly shakes his head before I can continue.
“I haven’t been, so I wouldn’t know where to go.”
“I know, so I can either get Ari to take the both of us so you can create a gateway back this way or…” My words trail off, nerves getting the better of me.
“Or…” He cocks a brow at me as I turn my whole body his way, taking a deep breath before I blurt out the alternative.
“You can take the image from my thoughts.”
Silence echoes around the room at my words, stretching into uncertain territory as his brows furrow, and I’m ready to retract the option.