Page 11 of The Best Bad Boy
Stop being stupid.There’s no connection. How could there be? I barely know her, and what I do know is that she’s potentially dangerous to my lifestyle.
I knew what I felt, though, and I’d have to be doubly vigilant in making sure I didn’t let her get too close to me.
I lifted weights for over an hour before I sat down, spent but just as horny as I’d been when I started. My cock begged for release, but not just any release. It wanted Sarah’s creamy, smooth body. I glared at myself in the gym mirror.
“Stop it,” I said to my reflection. “You’re a lone wolf. Stop acting like some fool who believes in love at first sight and soul mates. That shit is for romance novels and blockbuster movies!” I stood and stomped out of the gym, angry at myself.
Sarah was in the kitchen heating up a tin of canned soup on the stove. She still wore the white robe.
“Hey, I got too hungry to wait,” she called out. “Do you want some?”
“No thanks,” I grumbled. “I’m going to shower.”
Didn’t that woman know that clothes were better for cooking? I turned the rainforest shower on full and stepped into the pounding water. I had to get this girl off my mind once and for all.
“You know that’s going to be impossible, right?” I mumbled. “She’s nothing like you expected her to be.” I scrubbed myself aggressively as if the heavy scraping might somehow remove any feelings I had. Instead, my cock jumped to attention when I reached my stomach region. I groaned inwardly. No, I would ignore it this time. If I just ignored it, the desire would go away, right?
My cock was still rock hard when I exited the shower. I toweled off before admitting defeat. My mind was still on Sarah, and my arousal was getting painful.
Feeling like a creeper, I pulled out my phone and Googled Sarah’s name. She was the daughter of a well-known Mafia family, after all. I was instantly rewarded with Sarah’s social media channels. I scanned her TikTok for something to watch. Silly girl thought she wasn’t being tracked, and she had TikTok!
I scanned the thumbnail of each video until I found one to watch. It was of Sarah snorkeling in the Cayman Islands. She wore a lime green bikini that showed off her curvy ass to perfection. I settled back onto the bed and watched her swim. She looked so peaceful and happy and beautiful as her caramel hair spun around in the water. I yearned to wrap my arms around her from behind and hold her, feel her heartbeat in the excitement of her swim.
I grabbed my cock and stroked it softly at first and imagined it was Sarah’s hand pumping me. Her breasts spilled out of the bikini top on my screen, and I willed the wave to push one aside. I fingered her nipples in my head and watched as they became hard points under my touch. My lips met her soft, full ones, and I pumped my cock harder as our tongues met for the first time in my mind.
“Oh, Sarah,” I whispered as I stroked myself.
What would her warm, wet folds feel like wrapped around my cock. I imagined parting her thick ass cheeks and sliding myself into her wetness as my finger tickled her ass. My hand moved faster up and down my shaft as my mental images took over. I fist fucked myself as I watched the video over and over of her swimming. My hips thrust forward as my climax came. My body shook with exertion, and my seed sprayed all over the bed and my chest. When every drop was milked from me, I slumped back on the bed, panting. How would I ever make it through however long I had left with Sarah without busting a nut every time I thought of her?
I cleaned the bed and hurried to the kitchen. Sarah was eating alone at the table. I felt a pang of guilt when I remembered how I’d snapped at her after my workout.
“Hey, listen, I’m sorry I was rude earlier,” I said. I sat down and looked into her blue eyes. She shrugged and slurped a spoonful of soup.
“Did you know that in some countries in Asia, it’s proper manners to slurp your noodles?” Sarah asked and laughed.
“Have you been to Asia?”
Sarah nodded. “I backpacked around Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand and then went to the Philippines and a few other places during my gap year. I did part of Europe and South America as well.”
“Wow,” I said, suddenly intimidated by her worldly experience. “I’ve been a couple of places but nothing like that. And backpacking? Really? In your gap year? How old were you when you graduated high school?”
Sarah laughed, and the joy in it sent shivers of lust down me. “I was sixteen when I graduated—almost seventeen. I was fast-tracked as part of the gifted program. Then, I did a year of college and took a year off to travel. Sort of. I did some school stuff while I was there to get as many credits as possible. I went back and fast-tracked the courses that would allow it and graduated with honors a year and a half later. As for the backpacking, yes. No checked bags and just two changes of clothes for a year. I did laundry as I traveled, and I worked and traded volunteer time for a place to stay in certain countries.”
I stared at her incredulously. Sarah grinned proudly. My opinion of Sarah before I met her was nothing short of wrong, and the more time we spent together, the more I knew it. She was not a spoiled, criminally raised kid with Daddy’s money and protection. She was something so much different. I wanted to kiss her soft smile and tell her how cool I thought she was.
“Wow,” I said softly again.
“Now, tell me a story,” Sarah said. “Tell me about something interesting you’ve done or about your real dad or…”
I hesitated. Other than asking me about how I kept in such great shape or about my money, no one ever asked me anything personal. I hung out with very few people other than my employees. Girls were never around long enough to find out about the real me and other than one or two acquaintances that I saw every few months, I didn’t socialize much.
“Okay,” I said slowly. “My dad. He was the reason I became an investor. He was a financial planner, and he loved to invest and watch his money grow. He had laser instinct as well. He rarely lost anything, even if it almost feels pre-destined. He taught me some things, and that’s how I made so much money. I invested, bought companies, and worked them till they grew and sold. I put my money into stocks and various other things, and all of it brought me here. My dad was everything to me.”
“Is,” Sarah asked and hesitated. “Is he still alive?”
I shook my head. “No, he died a year and a half ago. I still visit his sister, though, my aunt. She’s got dementia now, but she still likes to hang out and play board games. I just have to remind her how to play every five minutes,” I laughed.
Sarah stood and walked towards me. She wrapped her slender arms around me and hugged me. “I’m so sorry about your dad,” she said softly.