Page 35 of The Best Bad Boy
“Wow, you’re that hungry already?” he asked. I nodded as I spooned the sauce over the rigatoni.
“Where does Kevin stay when he’s here?” I asked after we finished eating.
“There are two cabins in the woods. Basically, they can see this property, but we can’t see them. He stays in one of the two.”
I gaped at him. “Does that mean he saw us outside?”
“Of course not! He can see that side of the house but not the back platform bed itself,” Warwick grinned. “Do you think I want my childhood friend watching me?”
“No, but I had to ask.” I laughed.
Warwick washed the dishes, and I retired to the bedroom. I desperately wanted to contact my family and tell them I was pregnant and beg for their forgiveness. I knew that was a crapshoot, and based on what Warwick told me, there was no resolution to the family war in sight. I stuffed my feelings down for what felt like the hundredth time and tried my best to keep a positive outlook.
When I awoke in the middle of the night, my attitude was bleak once more. Would I ever see my family again? I contemplated calling and telling them everything. Surely, we could somehow work it out, right? I could go home and not feel the hollow pain of being with Warwick when I knew we’d never be a couple every second of every day.
I tossed and turned the rest of the night, and by morning, I was more miserable than before. Seeing Warwick felt like a knife in my heart, and it was all I could do not to sob until I passed out from exhaustion. What would happen if I just left again? At some point, Warwick would give up and let me go to whatever my fate was, right?
I felt the intense need to protect myself and the new life growing inside of me. It wasn’t just me that would get hurt if things went horribly wrong. It was my baby as well. So I remained at the chalet and felt alone and terrified.
“I know you want to go home,” Warwick said to me the following afternoon. “I’ll reach out to Alex today and see if he has any news.”
There was something about Warwick’s tone that made me wonder if he was telling me the truth. His typically intense stare was evasive. He wouldn’t lie to me about something this serious unless it was to spare my feelings somehow. I contemplated scrolling through the news to see if anything catastrophic had happened, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. The last thing I wanted was more bad news. I just wasn't sure if I could handle it or not, so I remained isolated with Warwick and hoped against hope that things would change soon.
The hours turned into days, and before I knew it, we’d been at the chalet for two whole weeks. The time was pleasant and quiet, both of us getting used to the routine in the small space. I cooked, cleaned, and swam during the day. I worked out with resistance bands and my own body weight to remain fit, and Warwick went for long runs in the mornings. He went to the store every few days and returned with whatever food I desired. My cravings ranged from salty to sweet to fatty and fried, and he indulged every single one of them.
At night, we made love by the fire or outside in the cool fall air. My mind had settled down, resigned to the fact that I was stuck here whether I liked it or not.
My body started to change as the pregnancy went on, and Warwick caught me when I stared at myself critically in front of the mirror one day. I held my breasts and noticed their texture and size, different from how they’d always been.
“You look beautiful,” he told me as he watched me from the bed. I screwed up my face in disagreement.
“You have to stop feeding me everything I crave,” I said. I turned sideways and looked at my profile. There was no defined bump yet, but my abs didn’t seem as taut as they usually were.
“You’re feeding a baby,” Warwick grinned. “Besides, I like this.”
I felt a jolt of blind rage rush through me. How dare he tell me he liked it when he had no intention of staying with me?
“Yeah, well, you’re not with me. Remember? And I don’t want to look like an old washed-up single mom for the next guy,” I snapped.
I regretted saying it as soon as it came out of my mouth. Warwick looked shocked and then hurt by my words. I wanted to take them back, but before I could, he stood and stormed out of the room. I moaned inwardly. Maybe now was the time to call my dad and get out of here before I made this man hate me forever. I slumped down on the bed, defeated, and curled into the fetal position. I sobbed so hard I burst a blood vessel in my eye before I finally fell into a restless sleep.
Chapter Thirteen
ImetwithAlexas planned on Friday after arriving at the chalet. The news wasn’t great, though. It looked as if Pauly would make bail and get out before the end of the following week, and the case wasn’t looking as rock solid as we had thought.
“What happened?” I demanded. “I thought he was busted with guns and drugs?”
“He was. The police screwed up and now he may get off on a technicality. Either way, he made bail despite the odds.” Alex said. “But don’t worry. I set up another drop for him just like he asked me to do through his lawyer. It was all in code, of course, you know how it is. But I did it. What I need from you is to set up the call to the police so they can do this all over again.”
“Is he stupid enough to do it again right after getting out?” I asked. I felt like I was being set up.
“Yeah, he’s lost his fucking mind. He truly believes he’s untouchable. The drop is in two weeks. On the 15th. At the other warehouse near Ventura on Bleeker Street. You know? It’s at six a.m.,” Alex recited.
“Well, he’s going to know for sure someone ratted him out. If he doesn’t already. How does Mom feel about all of this?”
Alex hesitated. “She’s tired of it all. His erratic behavior is happening at home now as well. I’d take him out myself if I didn’t think I’d wind up in jail for life. Mom has begged me to get her out. Between you and me, the stress is causing some health issues for her.”