Page 56 of Season's Schemings
But Adam blinks down at the envelope like he’s never seen it before.
I take it from Dot, slide my thumb along the edge to ease it open… and a key falls out.
Trying not to react—because I still don’t trust Adam’s intentions right now—I pull out the folded piece of paper inside.
Read the page.
Read it again.
It’s the deed to a commercial kitchen space. Rented for the next twelve months to a company called Maddie’s Creations.
“I… don’t understand.” I look at Seb, because Ihaveto look at Seb. It has to be Seb.
He’s studying me like I’m a textbook that he’s trying to decipher.
“So you can grow your business,” he says simply, a question mark in his eyes.
“I don’t have a business.”
“You do now.” He nods at me gently. “I got Roger to register it. There’s tons of space to make whatever you want and it’s set up so you can film in there, too. For your social media audience.”
I’m staring at my husband like he’s speaking in Klingon, my mouth wide open. I can’t say anything. I’m worried that if a single squeak comes out of me, the floodgates will open and I will bawl like a baby.
Because Seb, in a few short weeks, understands me better than Adam ever did. And instead of making a “look at me, I’m so flashy” move with jewelry, he went for something infinitely better: he read my heart’s desire and made it happen… without me having to say a single word to him.
He justknew.
“Mads?” Seb prompts, looking almost nervous.
I can’t speak—the lump in my throat is too big. So instead, I throw myself into his arms.
He catches me and pulls me to him, wrapping me into his chest and holding me there, safe and sound. One big hand winds around my waist, and the other strokes my hair while I hiccup and drool over him like a blubbering baby.
“Thank you,” I cry into his chest, any embarrassment at my display being drowned by gratitude.
His hand tightens on the back of my neck, holding me ever closer.
Somewhere in the far, far distance, Dot applauds. “Now, THEY would get a sign that says ‘Live, Laugh, Love.’”
I’ve faced off against veritable Nordic giants. Been slammed into the boards by goons drunk on violence more times than I can count. Had my ribs cracked twice with the jab of someone’s stick on the ice.
But I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared or tense in my life than when I was watching Maddie open that envelope. I worried that I’d overstepped. Jumped so far over the line that it was somewhere on the far horizon. I hoped that she would be pleased with the gift, but I prepared myself that she might be annoyed.
What Iwasn’texpecting was for her to literally tackle me, clutching onto me like a spider monkey.
I also wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did.
I liked the way it felt when she was in my arms. Liked it even more when she stepped back and looked up at me with huge eyes, and I swept my thumbs under them softly, brushing her tears away. Liked it the most when she looped her arm through mine, spreading her fingers on my bicep, and then stayed that way as we walked to the kitchen for Christmas brunch.
And all I could think was how happy I was that I’d made her happy. That I’d be happy every day to make her happy like that.
Now, she’s eating clumsily with her fork in her left hand, while her right hand stays firmly planted on me. Adam keeps shooting slightly perplexed glances towards where she’s touching me.
And I keep smiling at him. It’s great.