Page 68 of Season's Schemings
After a couple of hours spent walking (and, in my case, slipping and sliding) along the hiking trails close to our cabin, we’re at the edge of the village now. A little relieved thrill fills me as I make out the distant sounds of laughter and caroling, mingled with the smells of hot cocoa and wood fires.
As we continue our walk towards the town center, my brother, of course, wastes no time launching into a long, drawn-out and entirelyunhilarious story about how I lost all of my sensibilities and decided to go camping with him one time.
The only time. For very good reason.
I didn’twantto venture into the backcountry—the Jax life is not the life for me, and I value things like flushing toilets, and running water, and, yanno, having actual chairs to sit on. So, we loaded up Jax’s old VW campervan with all of the supplies I thought I could possibly need, and drove up to Cloudland Canyon State Park to stay in a campground. Which was, actually, really beautiful.
Until nighttime came and the campground was pitch black and I was bursting to pee. My phone was dead and I couldn’t find a flashlight to walk to the campsite bathrooms, so I decided to do the smart and reasonable thing: creep around the back of the van, and just… be at one with nature.
What I hadn’t factored in was the RV parked in the campsite next to us being equipped with a motion sensor light. Which turned on, blinding me entirely, while the occupants came rushing out to find a very full moon shining back at them.
Needless to say, I shall never go camping again.
Also needless to say, Jax loves to whip out this story whenever he thinks I’m in need of a little healthy embarrassment.
See… revenge really does run in the family.
But between my brother and I, at least, it’s always good-natured.
Seb is laughing so hard at this point that he’s crying, tears leaking from the corners of his crinkled eyes.
“That is absolutely priceless. I am so glad I know this now.” He wipes away a tear, grinning at me like a maniac before his eyes grow wicked. “And to return the favor, would you like to hear the story of how Maddie and I met?”
“You wouldn’t dare!” I shriek.
“I would love nothing more,” Jax says. “Please, enlighten me.”
“Well.” Seb gives me a look through heavy-lidded eyes that makes my heart pound. “It all started in a men’s public bathroom which Maddie happened to be frequenting.”
Jax is already howling. I mock-scowl at both of them, leveling my pointer finger. “I’m not sure I approve of this little budding bromance.”
But I’m lying. Seeing Seb and Jax get along like this is making my heart soar.
Seb’s about to launch into the story, but his phone chimes and interrupts him. He fishes it out of his coat pocket, then frowns at the screen. “I’d better take this, it’s my agent. I’ll meet you guys at that cafe on the corner?” He gestures in the direction of the sweet little bakery and coffee shop where he picked up my tea this morning.
“Sounds good.”
He gives me a lingering smile before swiping his thumb over his phone screen and walking away, his posture suddenly rigid.
I watch him walk away (believe me, it’s a pretty sight) until Jax waves one gloved hand in front of my face. “Hello? Earth to Maddie.”
I snap out of my butt trance. Which is, apparently, now a thing.
“Sorry. Was…”
“Admiring the view,” Jax supplies wryly.
I shove him.
We walk into the coffee shop and join the line, and my icy cheeks begin to defrost. And after a few minutes, I realize that Jax is staring at me.
“What?” I say, my hand rising to my cheek. “Is there something on my face?”
“No, I…” Jax sighs. “Ugh. You know I’m no good at this serious, heart to heart stuff, but I’m just… happy you’re happy. With someone who’s not Adam. Someone way better than Adam, actually. Like, not even in the same league as Adam.”
“Thanks, Jax.” I’m oddly touched. “Iamhappy.”
In fact, I don’t remember the last time I wasthishappy.