Page 25 of The Office Guest
My mother used to say, “Always give your all, no matter what type of job you have.”
While my sister believed that advice and applied it to her life, I was happy to use my father’s amendment instead: “Find a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
I have both of their words engraved on a locket, and I’m twisting it through my fingers as I board one of The Grace Estate’s trolleys.
When I make it to the main lodge, I walk inside the lobby and inhale the familiar scent of sweet balsam and crushed pine.
This is going to be the best Christmas ever.
“You have an appointment waiting for you in the lobby, Miss Grey.”
“With who?”
“It’s a different Miss Grey.”
Confused, I follow her to the lobby and spot Savannah.
“You don’t need to schedule time with me,” I say. “You can just call.”
“It’s about my wedding.”
“What about it?”
“I wanted to give you our complete list of requests.” She hands me a box full of binders. “I color coded everything, included tabs for research, and I ranked the businesses based on the number of reviews.”
“I don’t see the point in asking me to plan your wedding if you already did all this.”
“I only did the ‘research’ part,” she says. “You have the eye for the experience part. Plus, I figured since our ceremony is right around the corner, that you could use a little help.”
“Your wedding isn’t for anothertwo years, Savannah.”
“So, does that mean you’ve started looking into the best seating arrangement angles for the photographer?”
“I’m looking into getting a DNA test to see if we’re actually related.”
Don’t say ‘no,’ don’t you dare say ‘no…’”
“Is that a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, Georgia?”
Her fiancé, Garrett, suddenly steps into the lobby and walks toward us.
“What am I missing?” he asks.
“I was just thanking the universe for bringing you into my sister’s life,” I say. “And oh look!”
I point at the green and white bough hanging above them. “Mistletoe! Maybe if you kiss her, it might help her be normal for a change, and she can enjoy the holiday.”
He kisses her lips, but he holds up a briefcase instead of whisking her away.
“I brought an additional system since we plan on doing a lot of work while we’re here,” he says. “Did you bring the Cannon files?”
“Yeah, and I brought the Parish ones, too, since we’re almost halfway done with those.”
“Okay, I give up.” I step back. “You two are officially a lost cause.”
I walk away before their toxic corporate energy can rub off on me.
As I’m walking to the front desk, my cousin Taryn rushes toward me.