Page 4 of The Office Guest
“Correction, it’s theworstjob I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Nonetheless, the way to move up the ladder and get promoted isn’t by pissing off your boss.”
“Should I be kissing his ass like everyone else?”
“No, I’m sure there’s something else in his pants that he’d rather you kiss.”
Her jaw drops to the floor.
“Mr. Reiss?” My assistant steps into the room before I make a mistake and pull Georgia closer. “Mr. Reiss, I have your suit and shoes ready.”
“Thank you.” I step back. “Feel free to refresh Miss Grey’s mind about my policy on compliance while I get dressed, please.”
“Will do, sir.”
Georgia glares at me while I walk away, and I rush upstairs for a cold shower.
Fuck. Why the hell haven’t I fired her yet?
Two Months Before Christmas
Later that Day
Lean down a little bit more…
If I lean my head any lower, this ink pen will slice through my eyeball and splatter blood everywhere. I won’t beg my coworkers to call an ambulance when it happens, though. I’ll just ask if I can finally leave this boring ass meeting.
I’ve been stuck in this cold conference room since nine this morning, and my eyes are burning from staring at the oversized screen. For some strange reason, I feel like I’m the only one who wants to escape.
Maybe I should stab both my eyeballs instead of just one…
“What do you think about the final proposal, Georgia?” Mindy Sterling, the company kiss-up, foils my mission within seconds. “Georgia?”
“Yeah, um…” I set down the pen. “It sounds super great.”
“Were you even listening to my presentation?”
“Sorry.” I shake my head. “It’s been areallylong day, Mindy…”
“Days at Reiss Enterprises are never long.” She sounds offended. “They take as long as they take because we believe in our beloved CEO’s vision.”
My brainwashed coworkers murmur in agreement, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.
Our “beloved CEO” is the epitome of what it means to be a terrible boss. His only saving grace as a human being is how fucking sexy he is.
“Since you’re the best at hospitality, Miss Grey—” Mindy slides a folder toward me. “When December comes, we need you to handle our incoming business guests from the moment they land at the airport, to the second they arrive at headquarters for our holiday marketing presentation.”
“What if I’m still ‘just a demoted intern’ by then?”
“You will work hard to regain your previous position to ensure that won’t happen.” She narrows her eyes. “Your decor budget is limitless, and we’re all looking forward to seeing that “holiday magic” that you brought from your previous employer. Do you have any other questions?”
Can you please let me go home now?“Not at this time.”