Page 27 of Too Damn Nice
She tried to smile, but the encounter had left her more than a little uneasy. ‘Can we go back now, please?’
Within minutes he’d settled the bill and they were walking outside.
‘It is you, isn’t it?’
Her heart plummeted as the two men, who’d been smoking outside, approached them once more.
The shorter one leered at her. ‘How do you fancy a little session with me and my mate? I hear you’re into threesomes.’
Before Lizzie had a chance to speak, Nick grabbed him by the neck and shoved him, hard, against the wall. ‘Say one more word and I’ll wring your scrawny little neck.’
The heavier man went to pull Nick off, but Nick twirled round fast, catching him unawares. He delivered a single, hard punch to his generous stomach, leaving him doubled over in agony.
That was it. She’d had enough. ‘Stop it, Nick,’ she screamed, pulling him off before he could do any further damage. ‘These two delusional men can think what they like. Please, take me home.’
Wordlessly Nick took hold of her hand and helped her into his car, anger still simmering in his dark eyes.
The journey back to the barn was quiet, both lost in their thoughts. Lizzie was emotionally wrung out. Everything she thought she’d escaped from was now staring right back at her again.
* * *
Nick cursed himself all the way home. What had given him the bright idea to think he could take Lizzie to a busy restaurant and she wouldn’t be recognised? He shuddered at the thought of the potential repercussions of his stupidity. Sure the men had sloped off quietly now, but they didn’t look the type to keep an encounter like that to themselves. Certainly not if they could make money from it by blabbing to the press.
He pulled into the drive, killed the engine and turned to face a very withdrawn Lizzie. Nearly back to the girl he’d seen at her apartment a few days ago. ‘I’m sorry.’ He seemed to be saying that a lot these days.
She shook her head. ‘It’s not your fault.’
‘I don’t see how you work that one out. I was the one who insisted everything would be okay, that you wouldn’t get recognised. I was stupid.’
‘Not half as stupid as me, getting myself into this mess in the first place.’ She put a hand on his arm to stop him saying anything more. ‘I just want to go to bed.’
Silently they climbed out of the car and walked into the barn. What had started as a way of cheering her up had badly backfired. He could only hope this was the lowest point. It would all start to get better from now on.
Chapter Eleven
The next morning Lizzie threw open the curtains as she always did. This time the beauty of the morning countryside was marred by a sight that sent shivers down her spine. Frantically she tugged the curtains shut again, blocking out the sight of dozens of reporters and cameramen camped outside on the drive. Shit. If only getting rid of them was as easy as shutting the curtains. She slumped back on the bed, eyes tightly closed. This was her reality. Not the relaxed walks with Nick, or the cozy evenings spent in front of his fire. No, that was just a pleasant diversion. Reality was a boyfriend who’d sickeningly betrayed her, a reputation that was in tatters, and a career that was rapidly heading down the plughole.
All of which she probably deserved. Why had she suddenly started to believe she was entitled to something good happening for a change? God, she’d even begun to believe in Nick’s story, that everything would be okay. Lizzie, come back with me to my lovely barn and wait there while I wave my magic wand and make all the bad stuff disappear. Next she’d start believing in Father Christmas and the flipping Tooth Fairy.
For a while she buried her head in the pillow, trying to block out what was waiting for her downstairs. If lying down and feeling sorry for herself was the answer to her problems, she’d have cracked this days ago. But it wasn’t. So she forced herself out of bed and into the shower. Then, in a well-established routine, she styled her hair, put on her make-up and prepared to face the press. Today she would adopt another role in front of the cameras. That of the top model whose career was ruined by a sordid affair with a low-life scumbag. Viciously she slammed the palm of her hand against the bedroom door. Yes, that was better. Anger beat wallowing in pity, any day. Even if her hand was smarting a bit.
With her anger still simmering Lizzie walked down the stairs, ready to face the music. That was when she saw Nick, sitting on the sofa, scribbling away on a sheet of paper.
‘I see we have company,’ she remarked.
He looked up with a start. From the look of him, he hadn’t had much sleep. His eyes were slightly bloodshot and strangely flat. ‘It seems our friends from last night weren’t content to keep the knowledge of Elizabeth Donavue’s appearance to themselves.’
‘Maybe I should have stayed in Los Angeles after all.’
His jaw tightened. ‘I’m sorry you feel that way. I realise I was wrong to insist we went out last night, but I’m damned if I’m going to apologise for taking you away from the media circus that was LA.’
‘Except now I’m facing the same circus here. So what’s the difference?’
‘I’m here with you.’
The words were so softly spoken it took a moment for them to register. ‘Well, that’s just great. Now I can cock up your life as well as my own. Brilliant. Bloody fantastic.’
He came to stand in front of her, his eyes searching hers. ‘Who said anything about either of our lives being cocked up?’