Page 44 of Too Damn Nice
She laughed gently. ‘That sounds rather exciting.’
To her astonishment he proceeded to place one arm underneath her thighs and lift her into his arms. She found herself giggling helplessly as he walked towards the stairs. Perhaps it wasn’t the most romantic response she could have mustered, but she was fast discovering humour was a powerful aphrodisiac.
‘Crikey, you’re not as light as you look, are you?’ he complained as they finally approached the landing.
She swatted him. ‘I don’t think Rhett ever said that to Scarlett.’
‘Yeah well, maybe Scarlett ate like a sparrow. You, on the other hand . . .’ He kicked open the door to the main bedroom and almost threw her onto the bed. ‘. . .haven’t been able to get enough of my cooking.’
When he sat down on the bed next to her, panting slightly with the effort of carrying her up the stairs, Lizzie couldn’t stop herself. She burst out laughing. Any remaining doubts she’d harboured — whether memories of what Charles had done would haunt her, ruining this moment — vanished. She’d never felt so totally sure, or so totally relaxed, about making love with a man. ‘I have to say, sex has never been like this before,’ she told him, wrapping her arms around him.
He looked at her quizzically. ‘Err, in case you haven’t noticed, we’ve not started yet.’
‘Well, maybe technically not, but . . .’ She smiled. ‘So far I like your style, Nick Templeton.’
‘What style would that be?’ he asked, pushing her down onto the bed. ‘The make them laugh so they don’t notice when you pull their knickers down style?’
Giggling again, she reached up to stroke his cheek. ‘Umm, works for me.’
Slowly, with the utmost care, Nick began to undo the buttons of her silk top. ‘You’re beautiful, Lizzie. So unbelievably, stunningly beautiful.’ He kissed her shoulders, leaving a burning trail in his wake, then started to peel away the rest of her clothes. ‘Thank goodness for warm climates.’
‘No socks?’
His chuckle against her skin was like a caress. ‘Amongst other things, yes.’
She sighed as he covered one of her breasts with his mouth, teasing and delighting. But she wanted to play, too. ‘Nick, you need to undress.’
‘Umm,’ he murmured, moving on to the other nipple.
‘Ahh, that feels, oh . . .’
With his mouth still occupied on her breast, he trailed his hand over her waist and down between her legs.
She gave up trying to get him to take off his shirt and gave in to the sheer wonder of being pleasured. Of having a man focus totally on her needs and not his own. As his movements gathered pace, within seconds she was crying out in satisfaction.
‘That was incredible,’ she managed finally, taking hold of his hand and bringing it up to her lips. ‘Thank you.’
He gazed down at her, eyes so dark they were almost black. ‘My pleasure.’
She smiled ruefully at his still clothed body. ‘You’re wearing far too many clothes for this party.’
‘We can soon solve that.’ Instantly he stood and quickly stripped. After slipping on a condom he nestled his large frame between her legs. ‘Ready for act two?’
She took his face in her hands and brought it towards her. ‘Bring it on.’
Whether it was his technique, or whether it was because she was so relaxed in his presence, or whether it was just Nick, she didn’t know. Whatever it was, the pleasure she felt as he entered her, as he thrust his powerful hips deeply inside her, filling her until she almost cried with ecstasy, was more than anything she’d ever known. She wanted to tell him how amazing he felt, but her mind couldn’t work out the words. It was too full of him, and the glorious sensations he was creating inside her. Her orgasm, when it came, was deep, long and powerful. She was just about aware enough to notice when Nick allowed himself to let go, too.
Taking care not to squash her, he moved onto his back, pulling her with him.
‘So how does act three go?’ she asked dreamily, finding a comfortable position wrapped tight against his chest.
His chest rumbled with laughter. ‘Well, first there’s a long interval.’ She pouted. ‘During which you’re welcome to get yourself and your partner a drink.’
She pretended to consider his words. ‘I guess I could do that. It all depends whether act three is up to the standard of acts one and two.’
Moving slightly, he gazed into her eyes. Her heart squeezed at the desire she saw swirling there. ‘Lizzie, I could perform an entire symphony with you, and each time it would be better than the last.’ Then, as if aware that he was being too heavy, he patted her on the bottom. ‘Now, about those interval drinks.’
* * *