Page 48 of Too Damn Nice
The next few days went more quickly than either of them wanted. Lizzie was enjoying reacquainting herself with the girl who loved to laugh, to drink, and tell rude stories until the small hours. The one who went around without make-up, in the most casual of clothes. The girl who couldn’t stop smiling. Under Nick’s gentle, caring wing she’d come back.
As for Nick, he knew that any day now Dan would phone with news from Charles’s lawyers, and his time with Lizzie would be over. The friend in him waited anxiously for that call, knowing it would mean Lizzie could leave this mess behind her.
The lover in him prayed for the phone not to ring. Because it was the lover who’d have to say goodbye to her as she boarded the plane back to America.
That evening, the call he’d been both dreading and anticipating came through.
‘Lizzie,’ he shouted up at her, hoping she wasn’t still in the shower. ‘I’ve got Dan on the phone.’
She appeared on the landing, a giant white fluffy towel wrapped around her body. ‘What’s he said?’ she asked breathlessly, running down the stairs at a pace far too fast for the hard marble tiles.
Relaxing only when she careered to a stop next to him, Nick put Dan onto loudspeaker. ‘She’s here now, Dan. Better give the lady the news before she passes out with the suspense.’
‘Hey, Lizzie.’ Dan’s laid-back voice echoed across the room. ‘It seems your friend Charles hasn’t got the stomach for a public court fight. His attorney’s been in touch and they want to settle. Now I need to know what’s acceptable to you.’
Nick watched as joy and hope spread across her gorgeous face. Even the selfish lover in him, the one who’d wanted the case, and thus his time with Lizzie, to stretch out indefinitely, found he couldn’t be anything other than happy for her. She’d been through hell. It was only right she could finally start to look forward.
‘That’s fantastic,’ she whispered hoarsely.
Before Nick knew it, she’d thrown herself at him, wrapping her still damp legs around his hips and her arms around his neck. Not content with that, she proceeded to kiss the very life from him. Momentarily stunned, it didn’t take long for his body to recover from the shock and respond in an equally eager fashion. Within nanoseconds he was kissing her back, notching up the intensity even further. When his legs started to buckle, he headed for the wall, pushing her against it so he could get more leverage. Damn, he was wearing too many clothes.
‘Err, I’m waiting for an answer.’ Dan’s voice cut into the fog of desire.
With a monumental effort Nick dragged his mouth from Lizzie’s, only to see her blue eyes laughing at him. ‘We’re just thinking on that, Dan,’ he finally croaked out, sounding like a man who’d run two marathons, then smoked a pack of cigars. ‘Can we get back to you in a little while?’
‘Sure. You guys enjoy your celebration. I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk.’
Lizzie giggled as Nick ended the call. ‘In a little while?’ She hoisted her legs more firmly round his and dropped her towel. ‘I was rather hoping it would take longer than that.’
Kicking the phone away, Nick began to pull at his clothing. ‘It can take as long you like,’ he finally ground out before his mouth descended on her breast.
* * *
It was a long while later when Nick finally returned Dan’s call. Lizzie left them to talk. As she told Nick, all she wanted was for Charles to publicly admit what he’d done. She didn’t want his tainted money. Just her reputation restored.
With Nick’s deep voice humming in the background, Lizzie picked up the glass of champagne he’d insisted on opening and went to sit on the terrace. She could finally see her career opening up again. The light was clearly there now, at the end of that tunnel she’d been stuck in. Perhaps before long her agent would be on the phone with a flood of new offers. Her life could begin again.
So why, after the initial rush of happiness at the thought of being vindicated, was she now feeling so, well, flat? Wasn’t it time to go back to her career, her apartment overlooking the beach in Santa Monica? Catch up with some of her friends? She sighed, clutching at her drink. Much as she tried, she couldn’t summon up the enthusiasm for any of it.
‘For a woman who should be celebrating, you’re looking far too sad.’ Nick walked out towards her, carrying a half-filled glass. He’d thrown on some old shorts and a faded T-shirt. His face was in need of a shave. Yet it was this very realness that was so attractive to her.
In a flash she realised she wasn’t ready to let him go. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be ready.
Attempting a smile, she took another sip of champagne. ‘I was just thinking about when I should go home.’
‘Ahh.’ Slowly he sat down next to her. ‘Well, that’s up to you.’
She sensed a tenseness in him, and wondered if he, too, hated the thought of her leaving.
‘Could I stay with you a little longer? Until the dust settles?’ Oh God, she was weak. Drawing out the inevitable.
Putting down his glass, he leaned across and took hold of her hands in his. ‘Having you stay with me hasn’t exactly been torture, you know, though sometimes the meals have been slightly ropey.’ She tried to smile, but it was impossible when her throat was clogged with emotion and her heart so full. ‘You can stay with me as long as you want.’
What would he say if she told him she wanted forever? Even if she dared ask, it wasn’t possible. It might be what she wanted, but it wasn’t what she could have. She’d already ruined three lives. She couldn’t, wouldn’t, ruin his, too.
‘Lizzie?’ Nick’s warm voice interrupted her anguished thoughts.
‘Sorry, I was miles away.’