Page 30 of Sweet Revenge
“Anything for you, doll.” He moved even closer to her so that he was practically breathing in her hair with every inhale. “All right, now that we’ve got that out of the way. Why don’t we get to the real reason you came looking for big Steve-O?”
“What’s that?” She sipped her drink, leaning away from him.
“Come on now, Elisa. Don’t play coy with me. I know you’ve wanted me ever since you were a little girl. Maybe you’ve got a little more mileage on you now, but I’m still willing to give you a ride on the baloney pony.”
“Baloney pony? What the fuck?” I couldn’t help my outburst. Thank god Elisa had me on mute.
“Oh, I was wondering when you were going to be man enough to make a move on me.” Elisa’s voice was like pure satin, and it might’ve gotten me excited, too, if I wasn’t ready to go bust the guy’s skull for hitting on my woman.
“Why don’t we head to the bathroom and get this show on the road?” Steve-O started to stand up, tugging on her arm, but Elisa pulled away from him. Good girl. She needed to raise her knee and send him a strong message.
Instead, she was still talking. Setting her drink down, she said, “I’ve got a better idea. There’s a dark alley behind this club. That’ll give us more room. I love to get fucked in a public place, even if it’s a deserted alley. Why don’t you go get your dick out, and I’ll be there in a minute? I just need to freshen up a bit.”
“Baby, you already look fresh to me.” Steve-O gave her arm another tug.
“Steve, baby, I’m a woman. I’ve got to do stuff to prepare you don’t even wanna know about. Go on.” She flashed him that flirty smile, and he flew out the back of the club faster than a jackrabbit looking for his mate.
Elisa took a deep breath, smoothed her skirt down, and stood. I figured she was coming out to me now, so I needed to be ready to get her out of there safely.
But she didn’t. Instead, she walked over to the bikers. “Hey, you guys, there’s a guy out back waiting for you. That guy I was just with. He says he can take on all of you.”
The bikers snickered. One of them said, “Go home to your daddy, little girl. Leave us men alone.”
“That’s fine. He said he didn’t think any of you would be man enough to take him, but what do I know? He is a pretty big guy.”
The bikers exchanged glances, clearly interested now. “Where is he?”
She hooked a thumb over her shoulder. “Out back. Called you pansies or daisies or something?”
The table cleared out, and all ten or twelve biker dudes went to find good ol’ Steve-O.
A moment later, she was headed out the front. I moved into the driver’s seat, not wanting to let her know how proud I was of her. She got in, and I nodded. “Good job getting the info. You ever been to that club?”
“No,” she said. “We going to head over there now?”
“Let’s wait until tomorrow. Give me some time to think.” I pulled out of the parking lot, heading for the rental, checking my mirrors to make sure we weren’t being followed.
Elisa’s hand on my leg had me distracted. “You know that was all for show, right? That guy is an ugly asshole. You’re the only guy I’m interested in.”
“I know,” I told her. I didn’t let on like it mattered, but it was nice to hear.
She was my girl. Mine.
The dance club was a lot more risqué than most of the places I frequented, even with Daemon, although we’d been to our fair share of establishments that would make the average person blush. I wasn’t too surprised when I walked in to see multiple stages with scantily clad women dancing provocatively. This seemed like the sort of place my brother would frequent. Strobe lights provided enough illumination for us to see where we were going, but they also made it easy for men to lurk in the shadows without showing their faces.
Other patrons weren’t so keen on keeping their anonymity. Men in suits whooped and hollered, stuffing cash down G-strings or dancing along with the women from the periphery of the stage. Multiple lap dances with horny guys grabbing ass and spanking nearly naked women caught my attention as I walked in, gripping Daemon’s hand tightly.
I was wearing a new dress. Red, tight, and daring, it made me look hot and desirable, but I hoped it didn’t put me in the same light as these girls. Just in case, I planned on keeping a tight grip on Daemon and not letting him out of my sight. While I would’ve done just about anything to escape my father’s clutches, I couldn’t imagine ever working as a stripper or escort.
Approaching the bar, Daemon’s presence caused a ripple through the crowd that parted for him as if they instinctively knew he was someone. It didn’t matter that this wasn’t his turf or that no one knew his name. He had that look about him that screamed not only was he someone important, he had the ability to fuck up anyone who didn’t step aside.
The bartender’s eyes flashed dollar signs as he left the customer he was chatting with and approached. “What can I get you?”
A large bill poised between his fingers, Daemon ordered, “Whiskey, neat. And which one of these chicks is Cassandra?”