Page 50 of Sweet Revenge
Daemon drew me into a closet that smelled of harsh cleaner and mildew. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder for a minute, knowing we didn’t have a lot of time, but I needed to do this.
He held me close, smoothing my hair back. We only stood that way for a few moments before he said, “I found you something.”
“Found me something?” I lifted my head and looked into his eyes, my brows furrowed.
“Yeah.” He gestured for me to turn around, so I did. Sticking out of an old wine bottle on the desk were two yellow roses. Shocked, I stepped over to look at them more closely. Touching the petals, I could see that they were real, not silk. Though they weren’t in the best shape, considering it was early winter, they smelled lovely, and the yellow was vibrant. Small and slightly wilted, they probably wouldn’t last more than a day or two, but they certainly made me smile.
“I couldn’t believe it when I saw them on the back of one of the bushes behind the warehouse. I had no idea we even had rose bushes out there, and it’s not the right time of year, but there they were. They aren’t red, obviously, but they’re still beautiful, huh?”
“They are,” I agreed. I turned to him, and his lips came down to touch mine in a soft kiss. When he pulled away, I whispered, “I’m scared.”
“Don’t be.” His assured smile gave me strength. “Just remember what we’re fighting for. So we can finally be free of all this. And make love next to a roaring fire.” That made me laugh, and he chuckled along with me. “It’s all going to be all right, Elisa.”
“My father has been a bastard to me my entire life, and tonight, that might all come to an end.” It was difficult for me to think about him being dead, but his death would mean so many positive changes for me. It was something for which I’d been yearning for a long time, even if I wasn’t capable of admitting it.
Looking into his eyes, I thought about how terrified I’d been to find him bleeding out in the bakery, and fear crept up inside me. “If the worst happens—”
“Shh.” He pressed a finger to my lips. “Don’t go there, baby. There’s no need for it. We’ll be all right. When everyone else is down for the count, when the ashes stop raining down from the ceiling, and the blood is all dry, we’ll still be together.”
I nodded, praying he was right. Feeling tears stinging the backs of my eyes, I chose not to speak.
“Listen, Elisa, I have to admit, after Jenny died, I never thought I could have strong feelings for a woman again. I shut myself off and focused on work and my family. But when I met you, I realized anything was possible. I guess we don’t know what we’re capable of until we’re in the moment.”
Swallowing hard, I asked him, “What are you saying, Daemon Petrov?”
That crooked grin fell into place. “I guess I’m saying I love you, Elisa La Rosa.”
He didn’t give me a chance to respond before he smothered me with a kiss, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against his body. His tongue swirled with mine, claiming my breath.
When he finally released me, I opened my mouth to tell him I loved him, too, but before I got the words out, Vin opened the door. “Bastard’s here early. It’s time to roll.”
“Fuck,” Daemon muttered, but then he nodded, knowing he was ready.
We were all ready.
Warehouse K wasn’t just the killing warehouse, it was one of our biggest warehouses, so it made sense to use it for a shootout whenever possible. The size gave us room to spread out, find places to hide, and make sure that we had the upper hand.
When the massive garage doors opened and five large SUVs rolled in to stop just short of our packing and shipping facilities, I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I was in control. They parked in a V formation, trying to show off their own power. I tried not to roll my eyes and waited for my mother and La Rosa to get out of the center vehicle.
She was draped on his arm, dressed in a long, sparkly silver gown with a fur coat, her red lipstick better befitting an aging movie star than a woman who was here to save one of her sons from certain death at the hands of another. Really, Ma needed to get her act together. As long as La Rosa continued to have an influence on her, she would continue to act like she had no sense.
Like clown cars on steroids, the other vehicle doors opened, and heavily armed soldiers poured out of each of them. I didn’t bother to try to count how many of them we were facing, but I knew we had the high ground, and I had more fellas hiding in the wings than could possibly fit in five SUVs. Despite standing in the middle of an open area across from La Rosa, I wasn’t worried.
“All right, Daemon. I’m here,” La Rosa announced as he drew closer to me. He left about twenty feet between where I was standing and where he and my mother came to a stop. “Where the fuck’s my boy—boys?”
I swallowed hard. Something wasn’t right about this situation with Dezzy, but I didn’t have the ability to focus on the mess in front of me and try to unravel it at the moment. “Bring ‘em out.”
Behind me, Vin and Mikel brought out Alex and Dezzy. Their hands were still bound, but I’d given the order for them to have their feet untied so they could walk. Both of them were in bad shape, but they’d live, so long as they didn’t end up with a bullet through their skulls.
I took a few steps forward, keeping the boys behind me. La Rosa’s eyes were focused on Alex. I didn’t see him even glance in Dezzy’s direction. “I’m ready when you are,” I told him. “Time to end this dance.”
La Rosa muttered something under his breath I couldn’t quite pick up before he said, “It’s low, going after my kids.”
I snickered. “You mean like turning my own brother against me? You’re one to talk.”