Page 65 of Deadly Vendetta
Zach emptied the last of Katie’s things into a suitcase and snapped the lid shut, then carried it out onto the porch. “I’ve got everything packed.”
“With all the smoke, I’ll bet there isn’t one thing in the house you and Katie could even wear.”
Ashes smudged her brow and her eyes were bloodshot, but she was still the prettiest woman he’d ever seen. Resisting the need to pull her into his arms, he hooked his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans and leaned against the wall. “There’s a Laundromat in town, right?”
“A small one, a block north of Main and Third.”
Finding it wouldn’t be a problem. Main Street wasn’t more than ten blocks long. The business district was just half of that, and the entire town was only three or four blocks wide. “Know of any motels? I don’t remember seeing one.”
“There aren’t, but Flossie and Leo Cooper have a string of cabins called the Shady Oaks. It’s behind their house on Fourth. They don’t have much of a sign in front, so you really have to look for it.” Her voice sounded hoarse and strained with fatigue. “Last I heard the going rate was eighty bucks a night for a room and as much of Flossie’s gossip as a person could bear.”
“Thanks.” He still felt uneasy about the whole situation. There’d been no specific threat against Dana. Yet. But this fire had been set and El Cazador’s last e-mail had read, How many will die before you do?
Perhaps he wouldn’t associate Dana and her kids with Zach. In the eyes of a stranger, they might simply be neighbors, nothing more. But perhaps wasn’t good enough. “You’re going to be really careful, right? Keep your windows and doors locked. Take me along if you’re called out to a stranger’s place at night.”
“There’s never been any trouble before.”
“Dana, this fire tonight was no accident. Someone set it.”
“Gabe barks at intruders. Ben has a rifle and lives a hundred feet away. I’ve got my Ruger 30-06,” she said patiently. “I can also call 911.”
“There is someone out here—someone who could harm people close to me.”
She stubbornly lifted her chin. “I can take care of myself and my kids, Forrester.”
“I know it’ll sound like I’m angling for a place to stay, and I’m not. But maybe Katie and I should come out to your ranch. I can help keep an eye on things.”
“If Flossy doesn’t have a vacancy, okay,” Dana said slowly. “Otherwise, I think it’s a bad idea.”
“We’re talking security, here. I won’t be any trouble.”
She bit her lower lip.
“You’ll call the sheriff if you see or hear anything suspicious at all, promise? And you can call me anytime, day or night.”
She was a strong, confident woman who believed in her capabilities, and still didn’t believe there was a risk. All he had to do was look at the charred hulk of the barn to know there was.
On the north side, blackened timbers jutted skyward like rotting teeth. The rest of the building had collapsed in a tangle of rubble. He’d wondered what the firefighters—and deputy—would think of the bullet-riddled target next to the barn, but it had been completely destroyed by the inferno.
“Could you board the puppy for a few days?”
Raking her hands through her hair, Dana gave him a weary smile. “Of course, but Katie will sure miss that pup. I...suppose she could stay in Molly’s room, and you could have the guest room.”
The offer was straightforward Western hospitality, but her hesitation was just as clear. He reached out and rested his hands on Dana’s shoulders. Waited until she lifted her gaze to meet his. “Remember—if you have any trouble, I’ll be at your place in a split second.”
“Thanks. I’ll give Flossie a call and tell her you’re coming,” she said with a hint of wistfulness. “That really would be for the best.”
“Dana—” Zach sighed. “I’m sorry about misleading you regarding Katie.”
“It’s...only right that you’d want to protect her.”
When she shivered, he drew her closer, until her head lay against his shoulder. “It’s getting harder to remember that there’s no future for me here.”
Her breath hitched. “At least we’re being honest this time around.”
Honest. If only she knew.
He wanted to kiss the delicate skin of her nape, then kiss her with all of the longing that he’d felt since the first moment he’d seen her again.