Page 87 of Deadly Vendetta
“Did you ever ask her?”
“Stone silence. It’s as if she blocked out the entire experience.” He gave a harsh laugh. “The poor kid went through all of this, yet she didn’t remember a thing.”
“Except maybe the night someone stopped at the ranch for directions? Molly said Katie cried at the sound of that guy’s voice.”
“I remember,” Zach said heavily. “At the time, I thought she was just fearful of all strangers. She was even frightened when that perky waitress at the Pink Petticoat Inn got a little too close.”
“Couldn’t you have told the sheriff when this all started?”
“The guy warned me that if he saw any evidence of the authorities being called in, he’d kill Katie. But until I could identify him, how could I protect her? And I think you’ve seen how incompetent your local deputy is.”
The urge to comfort him came from nowhere, catching her unaware. “You were willing to give your life for the children,” she answered softly. “I—I know you didn’t want any of this to happen. I can’t ever thank you enough for saving my son.”
“Sir?” The paramedic was back, and this time he’d brought another one with him. “You need to come with us. That arm needs attention.”
Zach gave Dana a resigned shake of his head. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be. Can you take Katie?”
“Of course. They’ll probably airlift you to Denver for surgery. I’ll change that tire while the officers finish talking to the kids, then I’ll take Katie and your SUV to my place. Whenever you’re ready to come back, just call.” She managed what she hoped would pass for a smile. “I suppose you’ll be wanting to get back to Dallas now.”
He studied her face, his eyes filled with sadness. “Yes. I guess so.”
She watched him leave with the paramedics, then she headed back to where the sheriff and one of his female deputies were gently questioning the children.
Katie gave a cry when she saw Dana and rushed forward into her arms. “Oh, sweetie, it’s all okay. You’ll be home with Zach in no time, I promise.”
But even as she comforted the weeping child, her heart weighed heavy as lead inside her chest.
After seeing the kind of danger Zach faced in his job, she knew how hard it would be to love a man like him and never know, when she kissed him goodbye in the morning if he would be alive that night to come back to her.
How did the wives of special agents, firefighters, and law enforcement officers handle the endless stress? What incredibly strong and brave women they were.
She’d already lost a husband and shared the children’s grief over the loss of their father. To bring them all into a relationship with high potential for another loss was unthinkable.
But he’ll be leaving now, and he won’t be back. It’s for the best.
Exactly what she’d known since the day he arrived.
* * * *
“I’LL BE GONE JUST A minute,” Dana said in a low voice. “I’m locking the doors, and I don’t want anyone getting out of this car, okay?”
In the back seat, Katie was fast asleep. Alex rolled his eyes. “We’re under the brightest lights in town, Mom. Right outside the hospital.”
“I don’t care. I hate leaving you two out of my sight.” Dana slipped out of the SUV and tapped the door locker device on the key ring twice to set the alarm, then she spoke to the security officer taking a smoke break by the rear entrance. “Keep a close eye on my vehicle, would you?”
Striding quietly down the hallway to Ben’s room, she eased the door open and peered inside. Molly, sound asleep, had curled up in a chair over in the corner. Vivian gave a start and sat up straighter, blinking as she blearily patted the bedside table for her glasses.
“Sorry I’m so late, Mom,” Dana whispered. “How is Ben doing?”
“Better. Where on earth have you been? What about the children?”
“It’s a long story. Katie and Alex are outside.”
“Dear Lord, thank you,” she cried, stumbling to her feet. Her eyes filled with tears. “Are they okay? What happened?”
Dana wrapped her arms around her mother for a long hug, then gave her an abbreviated explanation. “The children are shaken but fine. It could have turned out so differently.”
“Molly was afraid you’d gone to help Zach, and she was terrified that you might be hurt.”