Page 115 of Hostile Fates
Dagger’s head bobbed on his shoulders as if completely understanding my being so torn between duty and my feelings for Elle.
Pops blew out a long breath, then asked me, “And where is your sister?”
Knowing the answer, I said, “Outside San Antonio—” but suddenly, for the very first time, I understood his inner torture. His fierce commitment to keeping her safe, even if it kept him from holding her daily. My body went stiff. “Hidden away.”
Biting on his bottom lip, his upper teeth pulled at the rim of his longer grey goatee.
Feeling guilty for not understanding his anguish before, I added, “So that you can focus.”
Grey eyes now full of past pain, he delivered a curt nod. “You don’t have the same option with an Old Lady that you’re not going to have out of your sight for some time. So, remember she’s right behind you and safe, and focus on the shit you need to figure out.”
Elle is safe. Elle is only feet from me. “Umm… I’m not sure if this is me thinking like Lorenzo, because he hurt her so often, but until my army was ready to engage at full force, I’d want my enemy to think I was no threat so he wouldn’t hurt her.”
Pops grinned with pride. “Now you’re thinking like a boss in charge.” Then he gave a dismissive one-shoulder shrug. “Although it may not be Lorenzo’s game he’s presently playin’. You want her safe because you’re crazy for her. Lorenzo-the-sicko may only want her safe because he feels he’s the only one allowed to hurt her.” He threw his hands in the air to wave off unwanted thoughts. “Either way, your thought process is on track.”
I couldn’t help but wonder… “Wouldn’t following us around the country be unwise? Poke a pack of wolves who want to be left alone?” I finger-gestured toward the fancy car. “I would not chance this strategy.”
Pops delivered a slow nod as if hoping I’d read the imaginary map he was laying out in front of me. “Agreed. Very unwise, some would say, but how can Lorenzo learn the power of the ‘pack’ without antagonizing it? Remember, you just said you would do what is needed to keep Elle safe until—” He paused, waiting for me to read the map again.
“Until my army was ready.” Frustration mounting, I took a drag of my cigarette while staring off into the darkness surrounding the motel. “You think he’s going to pounce soon.”
Cracking his knuckles, Vice agreed, “Ah, shit. You’re right. I can feel it in my bones. We’re running out of time.”
Dagger sighed while observing our young Enforcer. “There ya go. Use that sixth sense you got from your old man.”
That made Vice’s face light up with pride. “You coots trustin’ my gut?”
Pops jerked his head back while delivering a ‘boy, you stupid or somethin’ expression, and asking, “Are you not my Enforcer?”
Vice set his large shoulders back. “Yes, sir, I am.”
Dagger, playfully to Vice, popped his eye patch so that it bounced back and smacked his skin. “Then there ya go.” He studied me again. “What else has Lorenzo learned?”
I snarled, “If he gets too close to Elle, this VP will stab an Italian?”
Dagger tried to get me to see clearer by agreeing to appease me, “Yep,” but added, “and what is that action telling Lorenzo?”
I growled, wanting Elle permanently safe from the annoying fucker, “That I ain’t fucking scared of him or his ankle-biting goons?”
He pointed at me. “Yep, but why aren’t you scared?”
“‘Cause I ain’t afraid of psychotic pussies?”
The three men chuckled before Pops went serious again. “Boy, I need ya to fuckin’ think. Us not being afraid has told Lorenzo what?”
Anxious to feel blood on my hands again, I smoked my cigarette. “That I’m either crazy as hell or…” Reality dawned. “Shit. Or that this pack ain’t traveling alone.”
“Bingo,” replied Dagger. “I think Lorenzo is sacrificing his men because he’s off-kilter, but also to see if he can draw out our surrounding protection. Get a gauge of what we’re truly rollin’ with.”
My eyes shot to Pops. “Don’t call them in.” I shook my head. “Don’t let him know.”
Our Prez beamed. “Smart decision, son. No need to give the asshole such intel. Let him think he’s got the upper hand. Let this fucker believe I’m stupid and don’t have sister chapters tagging along, only miles away, from every angle.” He rolled his eyes as he mumbled, “Like I’d have us pitifully exposed and unprotected with mafia assholes and cartels huntin’ us down. Pfft. I’m not suicidal.” His humor disappeared when he said, “Now I have to figure out how to stop him from keeping tabs on Precious.”
“Right?” He was talking my language—all priorities on Elle. “They keep appearing like a special kind of Italian roach that no poison can exterminate—” I observed the men, still studying me. Even my best friend. “What?”
Vice figured it out and was worried for me. Which made no sense because the only way a tracker being discovered would be bad news was if it were—