Page 119 of Hostile Fates
“W-Where is this thing inside me?”
Lynx struggled but managed to say, “Below your left shoulder blade.”
My eyes slid shut as a memory assaulted me. “After a whipping, o-one of the ones… so bad… I passed out.” I shook. “One injury didn’t heal like normal.” Lynx shook with me. “L-Lorenzo brought a doctor onto the yacht.” It had been the one who helped me when I was a child and had broken my arm. He had aged, gravely. “I-I remember hearing the Italian word refutato—rejected. I d-didn’t understand then, but now suspect my body rejected whatever… was put inside me.”
So protective I could feel his promise in a blaze of heat pouring off his body, Lynx vowed, “I’m going to get it out of you.”
“P-Please.” This was a final violation from Lorenzo, and it was making my skin crawl as if an alien were burrowing into my flesh. “N-Now.” I couldn’t take it one more second.
Huddled against him, my snarl built into a scream. “I said right fucking now!”
As I heard a mumbled, “She’s got the temper of a biker…” leather biker boots scurried around the room. A lamp was turned on. I heard Lynx’s bottle of painkillers open. He hadn’t had one in days. I was about to throw them away, but now a calloused palm was cupping four pills for me. A water bottle was held by another tattooed hand.
Still hunched over, I grabbed both and swallowed the pills down nervously.
From across the room, I heard water running in the bathroom. Knowing these men were heavily experienced with blades, I knew one was being cleaned.
Bandages and other supplies I still had for Lynx’s wound were now being prepared for me. It was eerie, and another perplexing example of how perfect Lynx and I were for each other.
White folded motel towels were set on the floor next to me, along with two washcloths. One dry. One wet.
Staying on the floor, because my knees were incapable of standing, I clung to Lynx’s jeaned thigh and told the guys, “Lift my shirt. Let’s do this.”
“Elle,” said Lynx, “we’re not leaving your side ‘til this is done, but let’s let them pills kick in. Feel me?”
Tears burned my eyes again. “I feel you.”
The room went quiet as everyone waited…
My tears finally fell and dripped onto the stained carpet. “I will never forget this, how you guys freed me from him for good.”
Strong palms each touched my back.
Tender touches from deadly men…
I repeated, “Nightmares only have power while we sleep.” Then I cried, “Make sure I wake up, okay?”
There was a round of replies, all promising to see me through.
As my muscles lost their rigidness from the narcotics, I felt my weight relax into Lynx.
He accepted every ounce.
After his t-shirt, that I loved wearing, was lifted to expose my scarred skin, it was once again, and hopefully the last, time to be cut. This time, it wasn’t a whip being wielded by a man who knew no sympathy. It was by a blade that had likely killed many. That might sound unforgiving, but Lynx’s blade carved with courage… and, unlike the whippings, I wasn’t the only one crying this time.
Stallions live hard, but they love even harder.
Hearing a bike roar to life, my eyes fluttered open again, this time to see the motel door wide open. It was still dark, but I could sense urgency in the air, even though I was still heavily sedated. I was on my stomach on the bed, my mouth parted enough to be slobbering on Lynx’s pillow. Not that he would be needing it again. With a crazed look in those mystical eyes, he was jogging across the small dirt parking lot toward our room.
In between us was the tail end of the trailer. The back door was lying on the ground, having just been used as a ramp. Facing the open-ended trailer, Dagger was on his motorcycle, buckling a strap under his helmet.
I didn’t sit up in a hurry, mostly because I was unable. I didn’t rush to ask him or Lynx what had happened. Their body language told me I was safe.
Prowling, Lynx stepped between Dagger’s bike and the trailer, eyes locked on me. He wasn’t afraid. With blood splattered on his shirt and jeans, he looked like a predator who had just won a battle for his prey.
Only a week ago, Lynx warned he would kill for me. I had no idea who was now dead. I was just positive they were.