Page 129 of Hostile Fates
A door opened and a strong hand hung in front of me. “Jesus, woman. Come here.”
Not caring that my shoulder was burning, I let Lynx help me from the truck, but that didn’t stop me from stealing a kiss.
Against Lynx’s mouth, I whispered, “You going to fuck me tonight?”
He sucked in a breath so quickly, it stole mine.
I nodded, whispering again, “I want all of you.”
“I’m not here.” Vice was pumping gas next to us. “Don’t stop the dirty talk.”
Not even realizing he was there, we burst out laughing.
Even with sunglasses, Lynx appeared younger as he smiled down at me. “You are so bad. I fucking love it.” After he linked his hand in mine, he dragged me toward the store. “We need to get home so I can eat you alive.”
Still pumping gas, Vice called out, “I still can’t hear you!”
I was giddy. I was so happy. I couldn’t wait for the untamed side of Lynx.
Ding rang the bell attached to the front door. Inside was a biker President with a huge basket in his arms. Inside that basket were rolled-up, homemade quilts. He asked, “Throw blankets?”
I gasped, then whispered a humbled, “Yes.”
He head-gestured to a middle-aged cashier behind the counter. “Her Grammy made them.”
A grandmother? I wondered if I had one.
Swallowing, I dared to reach out and touch a blanket. I could almost feel the heart and love that had gone into the beautifully crafted material.
“My treat,” said Legend. “What color?”
My throat was too full of emotions to speak, so I pointed to the blue and ivory one that had light grey designs. Shyly, I peered next to me to see my favorite shade of grey.Pushing his sunglasses to rest on his head, Lynx winked.
Setting the basket down, and stuffing the rolled blanket under his arm, Legend retrieved a hundred-dollar bill from his chained wallet and tossed it onto the counter as he walked toward a small open kitchen to order lunch.
The cashier held it up and said, “Sir, it’s only seventy-five.”
Waving her off, he said, “Keep the extra twenty-five for the smile Grammy just created.”
I wanted to tell Legend he was the one who had just made me smile, but Grammy had indeed made a blanket that I would cherish.
By the time Vice finished pumping gas and headed inside to join us, I was waiting for him, ready to use the restroom.
Lynx shook his head at Vice. “Nope. No more smothering her.
He gawked and then smiled at me. “Your chosen flavor of life, now yours.”
In disbelief, I faced the old sign that read “Restrooms” and smiled. I was finally free. For the very first time, ever, in public, I was going to use the restroom. Alone.
With a new pep in my step, I passed Legend and instantly cringed. “Bologna?”
The blanket was now held between his knees while he pulled his long greying hair back into a ponytail. “Girly-Girl, you ain’t had nothin’ until you’ve sunk your teeth into a fried bologna sandwich with mayonnaise.”
“Not yacht food, babe?” Lynx teased from a refrigerator where he was grabbing bottles of water, Gatorade, and tea.
Lynx’s smile stole any free will I thought I had just gained. It was that handsome.
Sighing, I tapped on my chest for him to see. This is where we are best.