Page 164 of Hostile Fates
I set my shoulders back. “Someone told me I was worth it.”
Like a prowler, he smirked. “Must have been a smart fucker who told you that.”
I grinned. “So he thinks.”
A brow lifted. “Thinks, huh?”
The warmth of the blanket felt good on my skin as I shrugged. “I mean, he has potential.”
He stopped right in front of me. “Well, that’s good to know.”
I was covered with my blanket, but underneath was a beaten, sexually abused, and damaged body, yet this man was eyeing me as if he was completely bewitched by me. “Will you marry me?”
Vice threw his hands into the air. “A bloody proposal? My brother is so fucking gangsta!”
Feeling like a queen, and no longer a slave, I smiled. “Maybe.”
His body flush with mine, his strong hand carefully gripped the back of my neck and tilted my head back. “Let’s see if I can make the maybe into a yes.”
His lips crashed to mine…
“Elle once believed she was weak, but she was wrong. She is strong. She is valiant. She is heavenly. Precious is our motherfucking miracle—my beautiful hostile fate.”
~ Duke Wolf Bryant, AKA, Lynx
EPILOGUE - Holding Fate
The road ahead of us, as we searched for two crucially important MC children, was going to be a test for us all. It was going to be grueling and punishing…
Fortunately, Pops was doing much better and was almost ready to take the lead again. He thanked me for what I did. He thanked me for searching for Everleigh when he couldn’t see past his broken heart.
I didn’t envy his position in the club and all the weight he carried daily. Being President of so many men isn’t for the weak. Being one while your child is in dangerous hands, that much harder to withstand. For me, every time I would think I couldn’t take the agony of Ev missing for another second, I’d then think of my mom and how she had said, “One had to walk her meadow.”
When those words didn’t save me, I turned to the only one who could.
My queen.
Behind the clubhouse, she looked natural in jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Her hair was long and her smile honest.
Due to Stallions’ hearts not being able to mend without Everleigh and Diesel’s son back in our safe embrace, it didn’t feel right to do a traditional ceremony—an enormous party—while giving Precious her ‘Property of’ cut. But that didn’t stop how much it was needed. Her place in our lives had to become official. It already was in my heart, but needed to be official for everyone else, too.
A small bonfire lighting the night, a Prospect filmed the simple service to share. All members of Austin’s chapter, and a rescued slave who wasn’t ready to face her family but had gained the protection of Vice, stood circling our queen before Pops approached and placed the Property of Lynx leather on Elle’s shoulders.
Instead of the customary cheers, at such a colossal celebration, we instead chose a prayer.
Pops bowed his head, as did we all.
He said, “As we welcome this brave woman, Precious, into our lives, our family, our Stallion world, God, we ask,” he choked out, “that you watch over her.” He whispered, “And my baby girl. Tell her Daddy is coming soon.” He lifted his head. “Amen.”
“Amen,” we all followed.
My brothers quietly left to give Elle and me some privacy.
In the quiet of the night, I took her hand. “Babe, thank you for singing to me.” My throat tightened, thinking of the night I found her naked and tied up. “In the huge boat, I searched and searched… until… your voice led me to you.”
Only days had passed, and her body was still healing, yet she was remarkable and standing tall. Her smile was angelic. “I will always sing for you.”