Page 41 of Hostile Fates
My four words had transformed an already agitated Legend into a crazed beast.
From the wise man he’d become, Legend was now the same man he had been the night Mom was killed. His eyes went wild, his muscles bulged, and his roar promised death to anyone who touched me.
As if our matching grey eyes weren’t enough proof to convince them I had just offered a priceless opportunity, Legend’s reaction was all the cartel needed to believe me. His reaction was one of a man who… loved his son.
What have I done?
I had been so busy hating this man that I had forgotten he loved me.
Dagger had tried to warn me of my wrongdoings, yet I refused to listen.
Now, all at once, the rage I had toward my father for the past years dissipated while watching this man unravel for me.
And now it was too late. I had backed us into an unforgivable corner between gangs.
I didn’t fight them when they tied my hands in front of me because I had instantly become the little boy who couldn’t save his mother, all over again. Now, with my father.
These men were going to kill me, and, in turn, kill my father.
I hoped he would choose to live for Everleigh. In those deadly seconds, I hoped for many things, but I soon found myself being pushed into a large van.
My father had a gun to his head and was screaming holy murder as I was driven away.
It’s amazing how a rebel’s stubborn stripes can fade when truly facing wrongs… and death. I was on my own now. No notorious bikers at my back, keeping me and my arrogance safe from harm. It was then that I suddenly found the desire to live.
Having grown up watching men fight to exist on this earth, I rapidly realized they were truly fighting for freedom. Freedom from their pasts and anyone taking away their future.
Just like me.
Just like… Pops.
Ah, fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me, I’m so stupid!
This whole time, I’d been fighting—running from a past, too. Now I understood why the old coots and my dad held me in such high regard. I actually was one of them.
Pops, fuck. I’m so sorry.
With this revelation, I realized it was time to fight for freedom, just like my role models had been doing my whole life.
I gotta tell Dad I love him.
A life-changing shift spurred my drive to survive, causing every past lesson, that each of my Stallion brothers had taught me, to now be front and center in my mind. I was easily able to recall survival techniques. I studied my surroundings, including what weapons were involved. Then, I waited for the right opportunity to break free.
Killing men was something I had conquered long ago. Six at once? It would be a new record, but those were the odds I was left with while being transported to another location outside the city.
Being removed from more densely populated areas meant my night was about to go from crappy to absolutely shitty. I knew this because it’s what my club did when we needed to torture someone for wanted information. Bystanders overhearing screams of agony tended to complicate things.
In the back seat of the van, sandwiched between two men jabbering in Spanish, there were two other men sitting in front of us, in the middle row. A fifth man was behind the steering wheel, and yet another sat in the front passenger seat. As far as I was concerned, this was a mistake on their part. Four sets of eyes wouldn’t be on me until they heard struggling behind them, which took place when that opportunity presented itself.
When the guy to my left reached for his ringing cell phone, I lifted my tied hands to bend my elbows, then rammed one in the throat of the guy to my right. Even though I was almost positive his esophagus collapsed due to the strike, I reared back and rammed my elbow again, this time in his nose.
Grabbing both his throat and nose, he fell to the side, completely out of commission.
The attack started so fast, the guy answering the phone hadn’t got the device to his ear before gawking at me in disbelief.
Shock is a good thing if it’s not you who’s in it.
I headbutted him. His nose immediately exploded under the pressure of my skull, spraying blood over both us and the back seat.