Page 43 of Hostile Fates
Being 6’ 2”, I easily spotted the hallway where I suspected there was a bathroom. Groaning, I realized this place was well past legal capacity. The overcrowded dance floor spilled into the path that led to the hallway.
Having no option but to go back out the front door, which was definitely a no-go, I exhaled and winced as I started pushing through the patrons at the bar and headed for the dance floor.
Beams of lights blinked with the pulsing music, encouraging bodies to bounce up and down and into each other, compounding my dire state. I dreaded entering the shoulder-to-shoulder moving crowd, but again, I had no safer alternative.
Every time someone rubbed against me, causing me more pain, I wanted to pull out my gun and shoot, but then I remembered my piece was gone. Hence me running. All I could do was grimace in discomfort and keep my eye on the hallway, demanding my body get me there.
Fortunately, the partygoers were so self-absorbed that no one noticed or reacted as I pushed through them, leaving smears of blood. Had they been aware, screams may have broken out, notifying the bouncers of the wolf amongst their sheep.
Due to blood loss, I felt drugged under the lights, my staggering mistaken for dance moves. Heads lolled and nodded to the music, everyone surrounding me still completely unaware of the dead man walking.
Once to the center of the crowd, exhaustion doubled and distorted my thoughts.
Where am I?
As if my condition wasn’t critical enough, the set of green eyes staring at me was about to finish me off. Unlike everyone around us, she stood still, directly in front of me, studying my face while her closed hand slipped into her pocket. In between blinking lights, I read her lips. They said, “Your eyes.”
Too fucked from the bullet in my gut to remember I was dying, I smirked. I was used to this response from females. My haunting light grey eyes made panties fall in my favor. But no smile appeared on the young woman’s face. Her lips said, “You’re in trouble.”
I am? Pain suddenly kicked back in, causing me to wince. Ah, fuck.
I peered over her 5’ 9” frame and scanned the hallway, that is until I felt a finger poke at my cut. I looked down to see her, noticing she was pointing to my patch that read Vice President. Her lips read, “How’d you get in here?”
With a snarling upper lip, I said, “I go wherever I want.”
The music was too loud for her to hear me, but she clearly got my point.
Then I got hers when she gestured to my bloody hand trying to hold my stomach together. Her expression said, ‘That attitude is working well for ya’.
No longer denying I was in deep shit, I surrendered with a nod and tried to step around her. I guess my body preferred Green Eyes’ company because my legs chose that moment to cave, causing me to stumble into her.
I thought her body stiffened in fear, but bravery was all she had to offer. She shoved her chest against mine to help steady me as my head lulled forward. Her hands went to my shoulders to hold me up as she spoke in my ear. “VP, do you know where you are?”
Trying to shake my head because I was clueless, my clammy cheek touched hers. Green Eyes’ body was warm and soft, instantly comforting me in my dazed state.
As other bodies bounced around us, she told me, “You’re in the Devil’s playground. And he doesn’t like new alphas.”
Not giving a fuck about the Devil—who I’d made my bitch long ago, and amused Green Eyes had already pegged me right, I dared to grin. “Smart girl.”
Her hands tightened on my shoulders to steady me. “You’re right. I’m smart. That’s why you need to trust me.”
My forehead dropped to her shoulder. “I only trust my brothers.”
Letting me rest on her, she grumbled, “Since they’re not here, I’m all you’ve got, VP.” After pressing her chest harder into mine, her hands shifted. “Don’t go all hostile on me, but—” She started removing my cut.
“No.” Even in my practically delirious state, I lifted my head from her shoulder to refuse, but as soon as I saw pleading in her passionate eyes, I was entranced. The soul that was present in those delicate irises was something I’ll never forget. Admirable intentions radiated from this woman—
See the soul...
Divine intervention? My mother’s ghost trying to save her son’s life? Or are they one and the same? Either way, no one had ever stripped me of my cut before, but this girl did.
And, because of my mother, I let her.
Fucking monumental.
Our heads no longer close, with me standing up straight, she mouthed, “thank you,” while folding my vest between us.