Page 55 of Hostile Fates
“More bikers?”
“Appeared so, sir.”
“Are you telling me some grease monkeys have my future wife?”
Quietly, the guard replied, “I believe so, sir.”
What Lorenzo saw as his property had now been taken. “Do you have anything to tell me that helps me not want to put a bullet in your head?”
Nervously, the man replied, “Well, we were able to get the name from a couple patches. This man is the Vice President of the Steel Stallions. His name is Lynx, and he lives in Austin, Texas.”
Lorenzo grumbled, “He’s clearly not in Texas right now,” and hung up the phone. Mumbling to himself, he said, “Like pills have anything to do—” Lorenzo thought back to the first man near Elle on the dance floor. His stomach sank when he suspected what Elle intended to do with those pills. “How dare she!”
Scrolling through contacts on his cell phone, he tried to control his irritation. Whether or not Elle had been abducted or went willingly with the leathered mongrel, he was going to punish her like never before for even contemplating suicide. Then, he was going to rain down fury on this ‘gang’ that should have never fucked with him.
After tapping on his cell phone, a sleepy voice picked up. “Hey, it’s my Guido pal.”
Not caring that he had awakened this man early in the morning, Lorenzo had no time for small talk nor the patience for it. “Have you ever heard of the Steel Stallions?”
The man yawned. “I’m not sure there’s a biker on this planet who hasn’t. They have chapters all over the US. Why?”
Studying the empty sidewalk next to where his boat was docked, Lorenzo paced along his expensive decking. “They have taken someone who belongs to me.”
“Aw, fuck.” The sound of a lighter sparking a flame was followed by a long inhale. After exhaling the smoke, the man asked, “What did you do?”
Lorenzo jerked to a stop and faced the vast water behind him. “What the hell does that mean?”
“That club is notorious for laying low and being fair. Bunch of pussies.” The man inhaled more smoke. “They only lash out when provoked. So… what did you do?”
“If needed, are you willing to take on these ‘pussies’?”
There was silence, then… “Don’t get me wrong, I hate them. They claim to be one-percenters, but they’re not. I’m a goddamn one-percenter. I don’t play by any rules. I take…”
As the man and his pointless self-worth rambled on, Lorenzo rolled his eyes and eventually interrupted. “Yes or no?”
There was another pause, but he finally conceded. “If I could do it without letting them know it was us, fuck yeah.”
Now who are the pussies? “I thought Hell Furies weren’t afraid of anyone.”
“Not afraid. Just smart,” he grumbled. “They outnumber us a hundred to one,” he added. “A big ol’ pack of worthless pussies.” He chuckled. “Speaking of pussies, I had a recent visit to a certain location. They have some prime meat for purchase. Had me a little sample.”
The Hell Furies President Lorenzo was speaking with was one of the foulest men he had the benefit of knowing. That is why they got along. Both men were twisted with dark needs.
Hearing of the Hell Furies President’s recent activities, Lorenzo instantly had an appetite of his own. “Good to hear. I am traveling with three meats presently.”
Lorenzo’s focus was misplaced. He should have heeded the warning about the Steel Stallions, but Lorenzo felt himself untouchable. He practically was, already fooling so many…
On the way back to his bedroom, he spoke in his native Italian tongue to a guard, “Get me a jet to New York. Now.”
Even though it meant paying extra for pulling a pilot out of bed, the guard knew not to question the demand. “Yes, sir.”
“I’ll need a driver in twenty minutes.”
Quietly, Lorenzo entered his bedroom and retrieved a bag for his necessities. He didn’t bother with suitcases. He had another fully loaded yacht in the States.
Getting dressed, he heard the sheets rustle. “Lorenzo? Where are you going?”
He pretended to be sad as he faced his wife. “I’m so sorry, my love. Duties call.”