Page 60 of Hostile Fates
Legend was already grabbing his chest as if experiencing a heart attack. “Horse? Why don’t you just cut off his balls and call my son a Nancy?”
Their over-the-top dramatics had me actually giggling. “There are only two Nancies in this room, and VP isn’t one of them.”
Two sets of jaws dropped.
Legend, still gaping, asked Dagger, “The fuck she say?”
Now I laughed outright. And it felt so good!
Dagger’s one eye squinted at me, but he asked Legend, “Did she just say me and my Prez are the pussies now?”
Legend stood, then lifted his shirt to show me an impressively muscular stomach as he pointed to all his own scars. “I ain’t no pussy. I’ve got Pup outnumbered twenty holes to one.”
Dagger lifted his own shirt to expose his—also quite impressive—physique. Pointing, he assured me, “Look, I’ve got this stab wound, this burn, a bullet grazed me here…”
“Grazed?” bitched his ‘Prez’. “Look at this scar. That bullet went right on through my whole side and hit…”
Bewildered by their egos, and concerning number of scars, I asked, “Are you men challenged or just insane?”
Dropping their shirts, they both looked at each other and smiled, as if proud of their wounds of honor. In unison, they told me, “Insane.”
Then, completely catching me off guard, Dagger’s one eye winked at me.
At that very moment, I realized I was dealing with men who were no eejits at all. Instead of me mentally swirling downward as I was just doing a moment earlier, they had me smiling, giggling, and laughing while focusing on them.
I couldn’t recall anyone ever making such an effort to care for my wellbeing, causing instant trust to bloom from my heart to theirs.
Humbled, I dipped my chin as my eyes welled. Well done, Leather Men.
After observing my offered respect, Legend grabbed his chest again, but this time there was no fake heart attack. Now he was gazing at me as if I had just stolen his heart. With sincerity I could feel in my bones, he told me, “Whoever told you that you aren’t loveable is wrong.”
The sharp intake of air that escaped me was audible. And shocking. But so were these men. They kept surprising me. Their hearts, when open, were endless.
And I was unwillingly leading a ruthless killer straight toward them. That thought had fear shooting through me. I have to protect them.
“Hey.” Legend raised a hand. “Easy does it. I get it. You’re scared.”
“Even a blind man can see that,” calmly stated Dagger, making fun of his eye patch.
That eye patch wasn’t a handicap. In fact, I think it made the man even wiser. He had the ability to see beyond what the naked eye could. That’s why I told him, “You, Mr. Dagger, are far from blind.”
He and his President had been reading me as if they each possessed ten sets of eyes. Spiritually and physically. Therefore, there was truly no point in trying to avoid what I was suspecting they already sensed—a tragic tale that was filling me with dread.
Highly intuitive, Legend and Dagger noticed my silent surrender.
Dagger kept studying me like a hawk, and Legend gave me a cautious nod before calmly asking, “How does a smart girl like you get caught up being a Mafia Princess?”
My chin trembling was due to regret, grief, betrayal, and terror. “Every fairytale I’ve ever heard of tells me I’m no princess.”
Waiting for me to continue opening up, they stayed quiet and patient.
Lungs restricted, I finally managed to say, “Besides guns and occasional drug dealings, Lorenzo sells… humans.”
The way Dagger’s nostrils flared, I knew he didn’t approve of such a trade, no matter what other illegal activities he partook in. Selling people wasn’t one of them. Nor was it acceptable.
That had the trust I was experiencing with these two men growing…
Legend’s grey eyes were now clouded with a very menacing glare. “Since you don’t exactly fit the description of a farm worker, I’m taking a wild guess that we’re talkin’ sex trade.”