Page 74 of Hostile Fates
With pride I hoped to keep getting chances to witness for the rest of our lives, she lifted her chin and set back her shoulders. Now she understood, I truly did need her.
Sealing our hostile fates, the Mafia Princess slipped her hand into mine and became MC royalty.
Bikers tend to see shit like it is. Even if it’s a god-awful truth. We may run—ride our bikes—to be free of some pasts that haunt us, but everything else, we look straight in the eye. So the spiritual moment we just experienced with Elle wasn’t something we could look away from. Whether we understood it or not didn’t mean we hadn’t just witnessed some amazing shit. Nor did it mean we no longer lived on earth… and weren’t under dire threat. I stared at Pops, silently telling him we had to push aside the miracle that we just shared and protect the woman on the back of my bike.
That big man stared at me in return, then slowly gained color back in his face before taking a deep breath and nodding.
It was time to roll.
Trying to avoid any backlash at the Souls on Fire, the club that took us in for the night, we needed to say our thanks and leave, hoping no trail was left behind. It was late morning and I’d yet to sleep off a recent surgery; however, feeling Elle’s inner thighs touching my outer ones, I felt as though I had a sexy as fuck angel at my back, making me willing to ride anywhere.
Could we have an impressive escort by Stallion chapters that were already on standby? Of course, but that would’ve brought unwarranted attention to Phoenix and his men, who didn’t deserve the trouble. They had risked a lot by taking us in before more of ours rolled in. We weren’t going to do Souls on Fire wrong as a thank you.
Plus, what if Lorenzo had no idea who took Elle? A sudden storm of bikes hardly goes unnoticed by men who rule cities. Under the radar was best for now.
Nonetheless, as crazy as my dad was, he wasn’t willing to chance traveling without heavy guard. He knew enemies would eventually catch up. Of course, Pops didn’t inform Elle of any of this. He just chuckled as she stayed perched behind me, glaring at him from over my shoulder.
Pops was a no-bullshit leader with a huge club to run. Still, he seemed to not only understand her attitude, but appreciate it. He and Dagger even seemed to welcome it, pleased with the different stages of her recovery, especially with everything she had been through. Every snide remark showed her gusto, and they gobbled it up with a smile.
So, I let him lead and play the “Push Every Button Elle Has” game.
Blocking wind with his gloved hand while lighting a cigarette, Pops strolled toward us. “Woman, I can hear you bitching even with your mouth shut.”
It was no longer shut when she, over my purring bike, scorned, “Fine, I’ll say it again. This is insane. This is a very heavy motorcycle. He should not even be attempting to drive it.”
The rest of us lit our cigarettes. I was hoping the nicotine would give me a boost. The pain killers and my body trying to heal at record speed were taking their toll.
Exhaling smoke, Pops said, “I’m well aware of how heavy his bike is, Precious.”
Blowing out smoke, I lifted a brow, silently asking him, Precious?
“Precious?” Elle inquired at the same time, but with more attitude, of course.
Pops stroked his long goatee. “Yeah, we like stealing precious stones and hiding them away.”
Ah, shit. I knew exactly what he was referring to and wondered if I would ever get to fill Elle in.
“Oh.” I felt her soften behind me. “Well, I guess being compared to a rare stone isn’t such a terrible thing.”
Continuing with his unlimited sarcasm, Pops dipped his chin. “It’s called a compliment.”
As Elle grumbled about how he just ruined the compliment, I stared at my pops, appreciating him more with each passing second. I couldn’t help but smile when he asked me, “Did you have to pick such a bossy one?”
Our priceless stone piped in, “I’m not bossy, just intelligent. Lynx needs time to heal before driving halfway across the country.”
This woman’s bravery and gumption kept giving me boners. From over my shoulder, I told her, “I’m fine. Just need a little more rest—”
She interrupted with a mumble, “And a pint of blood.”
We all chuckled because, well, she was probably right. But we didn’t have time for such necessities. We had to carry on. Even though she was bitching, this woman was carrying on with us. Pride bloomed between us brothers. It was thick. They were pleased with who I was falling for.
Elle, after noticing Pops, Dag, and Vice staring at her, complained, “Why are you all smiling at me?”
Vice appeared unusually happy. “Because even though you’re convinced Lynx ain’t strong enough to ride, you still have the balls to get on the back of his bike.”
Her thighs tightened against mine before she grumbled, “Someone has to catch this thing if he passes out.”
Dagger pulled on his eye patch and let it snap back to his face. “You rather ride with me, so you can feel all safe and fuzzy?”